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广东惠州60亿建山寨“奥地利小镇” 遭外媒嘲讽(图)


60 billion to build a cottage Austrian town "was a mockery


MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

日前,惠州博罗县一个名为“五矿·哈施塔特”旅游小镇的地产项目引起社会各界的争议。据此前媒体报道,花60亿重金打造的克隆版奥地利小镇将集居住、度假等功能于一体。有网友称,这一仿世界文化遗产的大型综合项目并无生命力可言,山寨版小镇最终将被市场所淘汰。甚至也有业界人士对此直接炮轰,称其为“只学表未及里”的生搬硬套。MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

实际上,类似的仿国外建筑的旅游地产项目在国内早有先例,东部华侨城的茵特拉根小镇曾一度吸引眼球,然而有业界人士分析,其吸引力也正在逐渐减弱。在旅游业复制风盛行的当下,复制项目的长期发展存在哪些问题?复制性发展能否注入文化灵魂?它的生命力将维系多久?这种模式是否该应该摒弃?我们邀请到业界人士就此展开探讨。MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

中国旅游研究院院长 戴斌MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

广东省社会科学院旅游研究所总规划师 陈南江MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

广东决策研究院旅游产业研究中心副主任 劳毅波MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

本期主持人MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

南方日报记者 周人果MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

观点1 复制表皮只为走捷径MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

主持人:惠州博罗县“复制”奥地利村庄房产项目引起了各界的关注,各位如何解读这种“复制”?MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

劳毅波:这个复制让我想到另一个例子。广州的某个度假山庄复制巴厘岛的风情,把岛上的一种草棚树也移植过来了,但广州的气候毕竟不同于巴厘岛,更为潮湿,草棚容易霉烂,所以说,不应该只学习其表皮,所谓的复制、克隆、照搬,不见得都能达到理想效果。MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

这个也同样,显然只复制了皮毛,文化习俗、宗教、语言等方面的复制内容为零。如果从旅游的角度来看,它不过是一个局部放大版的“世界之窗”,把国外的建筑照搬过来,但是随着国人出国旅游的经验越发丰富,这些东西的观赏价值也将随之降低。而这种毫无文化关联性的复制,加之惠州和奥地利气候上也天差地别,令这样的复制显得很无厘头。MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

戴斌:从商业模式发展而言,我不主张这样的复制。文化不能无根,把国外的小镇照搬到国内,人们的生活方式也能照搬吗?文化能复制吗?这只能是一种商业性的探索,但前景不好说。MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

陈南江:文化旅游产品的开发通常有两种方式,一种是挖掘本土文化,而另一种则是移植其他地区或其他民族的文化,从操作层面来说,后者当然更为简单,你可能只需要拍拍人家现成的产品,回来按着照片,依葫芦画瓢造一个一样的。这种做法走的是捷径。但这个“复制”的确有很大的局限性。MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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观点2 复制品不具持久魅力
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主持人:实际上,模拟国外小镇发展旅游房地产项目的案例并不鲜见,深圳东部华侨城的茵特拉根小镇也是模仿国外小镇的建筑风格,吸引了不少游客的眼球。但这种吸引力未必长远。MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

劳毅波:类似仿国外建筑的项目,对一般游客而言或许吸引力逐渐在减弱,但它们作为婚纱摄影,或是拍戏拍电影的外景拍摄基地,却有一定的价值,它们可以发挥这方面的功能,或能掀起婚纱摄影旅游的热潮。MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

陈南江:这类型旅游产品刚刚出来时,具有一定的新鲜感,或能吸引很多人的眼球。但随着时间的推移,新鲜感逐渐减弱,如果没有文化的生命力作支撑,它们或将成为空洞乏味的一堆仿建筑,魅力锐减。MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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观点3 旅游地产出现局部性投资过热问题
MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

主持人:山寨、抄袭、仿造、复制,这样的旅游地产发展模式背后隐藏了哪些问题?MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

劳毅波:一般而言,这种山寨、复制手法的造景,并非旅游企业单方面所能完成,旅游企业的投资,一般会依托当地的旅游资源,包括自然环境和人文历史方面等等。而且大型的旅游项目,它需要投入大笔资金,投资回报周期长。但旅游和地产的联姻就能解决资金问题,且快速造景对于地产商们而言并非难事。利用旅游地产项目拉动地区经济发展,这是目前一些二三线城市中常见的发展模式。然而也有挂羊头卖狗肉的现象存在,以“旅游”之名,行“地产”之实,并没有旅游的相应配套功能,这无疑对旅游的长期发展无实际意义。MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

戴斌:旅游地产的迅猛发展的确存在隐忧。这指的是开发商只做地产而非做旅游的一种现象。实际上,据我们的调查发现,目前旅游地产项目的确存在投资局部性过热的问题,甚至出现了泡沫,而这方面我们需要政府对此进行理性引导。实际上,目前我国还处在大众化旅游发展的时代,人们对旅游的需求还大部分处在“有没有”的阶段,但现在片面追求高端,争风开发旅游综合体的风潮愈演愈烈,亟需有关部门作出正确引导。而在旅游项目开发的审批中还有待把关。MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

陈南江:复制之路,并不该被全盘否定,相反,我们该以开放包容的心态去接受它。但前提是,它的复制,要真正做到位,而不是山寨一把,连做工都粗制滥造。除了建筑风格可以模仿外,文化元素也可以尝试复制,比如演绎产品,歌舞表演类等。MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

但可笑的是,现在有很多仿制品,连外形都抄得不像,更别提里子了。有些照搬、复制,可以接受,比如地理文化上有一定的共通性,人们不用走出国门就能看到国外的风景。比如一些景点为重现当地风情,仿造的不仅是建筑风格,服务项目、演出、服务员服饰等都原版重现。这样的复制仍有一定的市场生命力。MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

观点4 “洋为中用”应注重中西文化结合MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

主持人:“洋为中用”是我国旅游经济发展的手段之一,实际上,国内也有中西文化结合得较为成功的旅游景点,如桂林阳朔西街。单纯的模仿和抄袭显然只学了“表”,如何丰富“里”?如何让自身的文化在旅游项目中维系生命?MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

劳毅波:就惠州这个案例而言,如何充实其“里”是下一步要解决的问题。我们在这个复制版的奥地利小镇中,期待闻到当地的文化气息,有当地的文化习俗,而不仅仅是仿造的建筑外壳而已。阳朔西街,之所成为了受人欢迎的旅游旺地,因为从时空上而言,它是属于中国的,属于桂林的,它融入了桂林的山水,并且是先有外国人在那里居住,形成了文化才有了这么一条街,并不是先有街,再造文化。这就好比先有唐人,才有后来的唐人街,文化需要积淀,而不是先造个唐人街,再往里塞唐人。MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

戴斌:旅游经济的发展,项目的推动,商业化的开发需要人们以从容的心态去面对,而非一味地从中捞取商业利益。文化的表现形式是变化的,但其中包含着一定的价值观,无论是哪一种形式的学习与借鉴,首先要分析基本的价值观,融入当地,才能有持久的生命力。MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

陈南江:在仿造的同时,文化的融合是不可忽视的。中西文化的结合,不同地区与民族之间的文化融合,才能最终形成独特的属于自己的文化灵魂,才能有所延续。不仅仅是阳朔西街,还有我们常见的酒吧街,也是随着中西方的交流越发密切和频繁,逐渐形成,是文化交融的一种产物。MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

【@微观点】MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

@遗产卫报:这不是奥地利,这是中国的惠州。央企五矿集团投资60亿元“克隆”世界文化遗产小镇——奥地利哈尔施塔特镇。6月2日,奥地利哈尔施塔特镇长访问惠州五矿哈施塔特,出席共结“友好小镇”签约仪式。美联社评论说:在以盗版知名的中国,克隆哈施塔特树立了新的盗版水准。MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

符毅VisionNews:今天,深圳特区报转发新华社通稿《房地产文化消费刮起“欧美风”惠州一地产项目“复制洋小镇”取得成功却引来众多非议》一文,五矿地产“抄袭门”再次发酵,不过从营销来说,该楼盘文化旅游营销却是成功的,是非多却吸引了舆论眼球,楼盘也火了,省了不少推广费!MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

彭澎:等我们把世界都复制完了,中国人就可以不出国旅游了……MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

姑妄谈:“五矿·哈施塔特”的“奥地利”小镇出现在广东惠州博罗县郊外的山坡上。这个房地产项目不可能“按照原样和原尺寸复制”。现在项目正向商业地产和旅游产业开发转变。知名建筑师马岩松认为,原样复制奥地利小镇的做法并不可取。只要里子是中国的,皮子即使是真“奥地利”的也没用!MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Recently, Huizhou the Boluo one called "Minmetals · Hashitate," tourist town real estate project aroused controversy. According to earlier media reports, to spend 6 billion large amount of money to build a clone of the Austrian town to residential, resort and other functions in one. Some netizens said that the large-scale integrated projects of this imitation of the world cultural heritage there is no vitality at all, cottage version of the town will eventually be eliminated by the market. Even the industry are simply shell, called it "only learn table no time" rote.MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
In fact, similar to the imitation of foreign construction tourism real estate projects in the country precedents, the Interlaken OCT East town once attract the eye, however, industry analysis, its appeal is waning. What are the problems in the long-term development of tourism copy now in vogue, copy? The replicability development whether injected into the cultural soul? Its vitality will sustain long? This model is whether this should be abandoned? We invite the people in the industry embarked explore.MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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China Tourism Research Institute Dai BinMqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Guangdong Provincial Academy of Social Sciences Tourism Institute of Planners Chen NanjiangMqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Guangdong Policy Institute of Tourism Industry Research Center, deputy director of labor Yi waveMqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The current hostMqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Nanfang Daily reporter Zhou People fruitMqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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View a copy epidermis only for short cutsMqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Moderator: Huizhou Boluo "Copy" Austrian Village real estate project has aroused public concern, and you how to interpret this "copy"?MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Lao Yi wave: This copy reminds me of another example. Guangzhou, one of the Resort to copy the style of Bali island a thatched shed tree transplant, but the climate in Guangzhou, after all, different from Bali, more moist, easy rotten huts, so that should not be only to learn the epidermis, the so-called copy, clone, copy, and not necessarily to achieve the desired effect.MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
This is also, apparently only copy to copy the content of the fur, cultural practices, religion, language and other aspects of zero. From a tourism point of view, it is but an enlarged version of the "Window", copied from the foreign construction, but as more and more rich people travel abroad experience, the ornamental value of these things can also go down . And this is no cultural relevance replication, coupled with the climate of Huizhou and Austria poles do not, this copy seems very nonsensical.MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Dai Bin: the development of business models, I do not advocate such a copy. Culture is not the root, and copied to the small town of foreign domestic lifestyle of the people can copy it? Culture can be copied? This can only be a commercial exploration, but the outlook is hard to say.MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Chen Nanjiang: the development of cultural tourism products are usually two ways, one is to tap the local culture, while the other is the culture of transplants from other regions or other ethnic groups, from the operational level, the latter of course, much simpler, you may only need to pat people ready to come back according to the photos, 依葫芦画瓢 made one the same. This practice is taking the shortcut. But this copy does have significant limitations.MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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View two copies of non-durable charmMqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Moderator: In fact, the case of the simulated foreign town development of tourism real estate projects is not uncommon for the small town of Interlaken, Shenzhen OCT East is to mimic the architectural style of the foreign town, attracted the attention of many tourists. This attraction is not necessarily long term.MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Labor Yi: similar to the imitation of foreign construction projects, perhaps attractive to the general visitors gradually weakened, but as wedding photography, or filming a movie location filming base, there is some value, they can play in this regard function, or can set off the craze of wedding photography travel.MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Chen Nanjiang: just out of this type of tourism products, with a certain freshness, or be able to attract the eye of many people. However, over time, the novelty gradually weakened, if not the cultural vitality and support of, or will become empty and boring pile of imitation architecture, charm dropped.MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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View tourism, real estate appears localized problem of overheated investmentMqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Moderator: cottage, copy, counterfeit, copy, tourism, real estate development model behind what the problem?MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Labor Yi: In general, the landscaping of this cottage, copying practices, not unilaterally by the tourism enterprises can not be completed, the investment in tourism enterprises will generally rely on local tourism resources, including the natural environment and cultural history. And large-scale tourism projects, which need to invest large sums of money, return on investment cycle is long. The marriage of tourism and real estate will be able to solve the funding problem, and quick landscaping for the property are not difficult. Tourism real estate projects to stimulate regional economic development, which is currently common in the second and third tier cities development model. However, posing the phenomenon exists, the name of "tourism", the line "real estate" real, and there is no corresponding supporting functions of tourism, this is undoubtedly the long-term development of tourism moot.MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Dai Bin: the rapid development of tourism, real estate is indeed remain uncertain. This refers to the developers only real estate rather than do travel a phenomenon. In fact, our survey found that the current tourism real estate projects does exist to invest in localized overheating problem, or even a bubble, we need the government to conduct a rational guide. In fact, China is still in the era of mass tourism development, the demand for travel most in the "no" stage, but one-sided pursuit of the tourism complex of high-end, by principal development trend intensified in urgent need of relevant departments to make the correct guidance. The approval of the development of tourism projects have yet to check.MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Chen Nanjiang: Road to copy, not the total negation of the contrary, we open and tolerant attitude to accept it. But the premise is that its replication, to really bit, instead of cottage one, even the workmanship are shoddy. In addition to the architectural style can mimic the cultural elements can also try to copy, such as the interpretation of the products, dance performances and other.MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
But the irony is that there are many imitations, and even appearance are all copied, unlike, not to mention lining. Some copy, copy, can accept some commonality, such as geography, culture, people do not need to come out of the country will be able to see the foreign landscape. For example, some of the attractions is to reproduce the local customs, imitation is not only the architectural style, service projects, performances, waiters clothing are all original to reproduce. This copy is still a certain amount of market vitality.MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Point of view "foreign" should focus on Chinese and Western cultures combined withMqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Moderator: "foreign" is one of the means of economic development of China's tourism, in fact, there are also Chinese and Western cultures combined with more successful tourist attractions, such as Guilin Yangshuo. Simple imitation and plagiarism apparently only learned a table, how rich "? How to make their own culture to sustain life in the tourism project?MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Labor Yi: With regard to the Huizhou this case, how to enrich their "next problem to be solved. Copy version of the Austrian town, looking forward to smell the atmosphere of the local culture and local cultural practices, rather than just a replica of the building envelope. Yangshuo, capital has become a popular tourist Wadi, from time and space, it is part of China, Guilin, it is integrated into the landscape of Guilin, and is the first foreigners to live there , the formation of a culture have such a street is not the first street recycling culture. This is like the first Chinese, that there was a Chinatown, and cultural needs of accumulation, rather than to make a Chinatown, and then further Lise Tang people.MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Dai Bin: tourism economic development projects to promote commercial development requires people to a calm state of mind to face, rather than from fish for commercial interests. Manifestations of the culture is changing, but contains some values, no matter what form and learn from, we must first analyze the basic values, local integration in order to have lasting vitality.MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Chen Nanjiang: replica at the same time, the cultural integration can not be ignored. The combination of Chinese and Western cultures, between different regions and ethnic cultural integration, in order to form unique to their own cultural soul in order to be continuity. Not just the West Street, as well as our common bar street, but also in Western exchanges are increasingly close and frequent, gradually formed, is a product of cultures.MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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[@ Micro view]MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
@ Heritage Guardian: This is not Austria, China Huizhou. Minmetals to invest 6 billion yuan of the central enterprises to "clone" world cultural heritage town - the town of Hallstatt, Austria. June 2, Hallstatt, Austria mayor visited the Huizhou Minmetals Hashitate, attended married the signing ceremony of the "friendly town". Associated Press commented: In the well-known piracy in China, 克隆哈施塔特 set a new level of piracy.MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Fu Yi VisionNews: Today, Shenzhen Special Zone Daily forwarded to the Xinhua News Agency issued on "real estate, cultural consumption blowing the European style, Huizhou, a real estate project" copy ocean town "the success has also led to numerous criticisms" a text, the Minmetals real estate, "plagiarism door "re-fermentation, but from a marketing, cultural tourism of the real estate marketing is successful, a non-attracted more than public opinion eye, real estate fire, save a lot of promotion fee.MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Peng Peng: Our world is copied over, the Chinese people can not travel abroad ...MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The Regardless alone make: of "Minmetals · Hashitate," Austrian town on the hillside on the outskirts of Guangdong Huizhou BOLUO. This real estate projects can not be "in accordance with AS and the original size copy". Project forward commercial real estate and tourism industry development change. Renowned architect Mr. Ma said, copied the Austrian town are not desirable. Lining, leather, even if true "Austria" is useless!
MqBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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波兰的"歪歪楼" 扭曲空间不走寻常路(组图)
波兰的"歪歪楼" 扭曲空间不走寻常
解放軍八一跳傘隊香港回歸表演 實拍 好樣的 (组图)
解放軍八一跳傘隊香港回歸表演 實拍
窮歡樂的香港人!香港赤柱國際龍舟錦標賽。(高清組圖)Hong Kong Stanley International Dragon Boat Championships, the Carnival!
奇洛李維斯 《太極俠》香港林寶堅尼車行 開拍 (高清組圖)Keanu Reeves, "Tai Chi Man" Lamborghini car dealers shooting, Hong Kong
奇洛李維斯 《太極俠》香港林寶堅尼
香港-中午拍到好莱坞影星基努里维斯 正和助手看豪车兰博基尼 (组图)
经历数次兴衰 中国开始一轮新的盛世造佛运动(组图)
经历数次兴衰 中国开始一轮新的盛世
喧嚣和速度 让疲惫的中国人学会随时随地入睡(图集)
喧嚣和速度 让疲惫的中国人学会随时
不是梦境 世界上确实存在的10大美景(高清组图)
不是梦境 世界上确实存在的10大美景(
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