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聂卫平:反感日本这个国家 绝对不指导日本棋手


with the Japanese in this country is definitely not guide the Japanese players.


6月11日下午,2012年围乙团体赛第5轮进行之际,棋圣聂卫平赶到位于厦门同安区的赛场观战,一支由聂道场棋手打造的队伍正在比赛。赛场中,聂卫平没有去看儿子孔令文担任领队的日本队比赛,老聂直言,日本这个国家我很反感,钓鱼岛也想用钱去买,做得事情太出格。pQQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

中日友好是我做事原则 但不能中国单方面去做pQQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

聂卫平说:“日本队参加围乙,从围棋角度看是好事,说老实话,中国围棋早先得到了日本的帮助,现在我们允许日本队来比赛来训练,都是无偿的,我们是高手,一点不收他们费用,这是报答以前日本的帮助。日本现在老想用钱去买钓鱼岛,做得事情太不入流,出格了,所以这支日本队没找到赞助是有道理的。我绝对不会指导日本棋手,儿子这支队伍来华我没有反对,但也一点没有出力。”pQQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

老聂补充道:“我是希望中日世世代代友好,中日友好永远是我做事的原则,但总不能中国单方面去做,日本那里也要有表示。”pQQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

说到爱国话题,聂卫平对中国的年轻人寄语:“爱国是很多80后、90后、00后的弱项,他们对自己的权利想得多,而对要尽的义务想得少,希望他们能多为国家尽些义务。”pQQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

围棋是很有魅力的运动 围乙已和围甲平起平坐pQQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

谈及在公共场合睡觉的话题,老聂笑言:“其实大部分时候都是眯着眼,没有睡,睡觉一般是在听讲话、听报告这些长时间说一个听不懂的东西的时候,下围棋绝对不会睡着,那时大脑处在超级运转的状态,围棋是很有魅力的运动。”pQQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

这次围乙,霸州海润队另一个身份是聂家军,老聂对这届围乙的水准赞赏说:“我来围乙也是因为这个比赛吸引了中国围棋界的眼球,韩国前10位棋手来了好几位,李世石是韩国第一放在世界也是前几位,赵治勋也来了,过去可是超级大腕。围乙其实已经和围甲平起平坐了,从围乙中找4位棋手与围甲的4位棋手比赛,没准还是围乙赢。”pQQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

亲自下棋我不行了 我扮演的角色是拿鞭子的pQQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

聂卫平队目前围棋的形势评价说:“中国围棋开展最好的时期还是当年中日围棋擂台赛,那时全国人民和媒体都在关心围棋。现在水平方面是最高,90、95后棋手比当年同年龄段的棋手水平高,但围棋整体的热度不如那个时候。”pQQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

聂卫平围棋道场是中国围棋人才的摇篮,这里面倾注了棋圣大量的心血,老聂说:“当年做道场是看到国家队招的人有限,一些有志投身围棋的年轻棋手如果进不了国家队回到地方就废掉了,我收留了很多这样的棋手。我曾组织道场小棋手和国家队小棋手对抗,完全是同等的水平,下20盘棋就是10比10。国家队条件很好,养尊处优,我们那条件太差,不好好拼命就回去洗洗睡了,为了能在北京占得一席之地,必须拼。现在我扮演角色是扮演拿鞭子的,亲自上去下不行了,但拿鞭子抽督促弟子下棋我能做到。”pQQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The occasion of the afternoon of June 11, 2012 Weiyi Team 5, grandmaster Nie Weiping arrived at the stadium is located in Xiamen Tongan match, the team is to create an NIE dojo players game. In the arena, Nie did not go to the son of Ling-man team leader, team competition, with respect Laonie Japanese in this country I am disgusted that the Diaoyu Islands would also like to use the money to buy, doing things too far.pQQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
pQQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Sino-Japanese friendship is my principle of doing things but not China unilaterally dopQQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
pQQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Nie said: "Japan, Weiyi, from the chess point of view is a good thing, to be honest, Chinese chess had previously been in Japan to help, we allow the Japanese team to the game to train, are unpaid, we master that do not charge their fees, repay ago with the help of Japan is now old and would like to use the money to buy the Diaoyu Islands, doing things too inflow, an extraordinary thing, so this Japanese team could not find sponsorship makes sense, I certainly would not the guidance of the Japanese players, the son of the team I have no objection to China, but it is not to contribute. "pQQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
pQQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Laonie added: "I hope that the Sino-Japanese friendship from generation to generation, the Sino-Japanese friendship is always the principle of doing things, but can not unilaterally do it, in Japan there is also that."pQQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
pQQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
When it comes to patriotic topics Nie message to young people: "Patriotism is a lot of 80, 90, 00 weaknesses, their own right to think the more to fulfill the obligations less hope that they can more than do some obligations for the state. "pQQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
pQQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Go charismatic movement Weiyi an equal footing and WeijiapQQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
pQQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Talked about sleeping in public places topic, Laonie, smiled and said: "In fact, most of the time it lowers did not sleep, sleep in listening to the speech, listen to report on these long said that one did not understand something, when, under the Go absolute will not fall asleep, when the brain in the state of super-operation, Go is the charismatic movement. "pQQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
pQQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The Weiyi Bazhou the Hairun team in another capacity Niejia Jun, appreciation of the standard of Laonie this session Weiyi said: "I have to Wei Yi is because the game has attracted the eye of the Go community, 10, former South Korean chess hand quite a few, Li Shishi Korea first on the world is also the first few, Zhao Zhixun come, but Super biggest names in the past. Wei Yi is already on par and the Wei Jia, looking for four players and bounded from Weiyi A 4 player game, perhaps still for Weiyi win. "pQQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
pQQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The person playing chess I can not do my role is to take the whippQQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
pQQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Go situation Nie team commented: "Go China the best period in the year in the Go Challenge Cup, when the nation and the media are concerned about Go. Levels are highest, 90,95 after the players than in the past the level of the players of the same age, Go overall heat is not as good as that time. "pQQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
pQQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Nie Weiping Weiqi temple is the cradle of Chinese chess talent, there is poured a the grandmaster lot of effort, Laonie said: "then do the temple to see the national team recruit people is limited, some young players interested in joining the Go If you can not enter the country team back to the place was destroyed, I host a lot of players I have organized the temple a small player and national team players confrontation is completely the same level, the next 20 games is 10 more than 10 national team in very good condition, pampered, our conditions are bad, do not make good hard on the back wash sleep, in Beijing accounted for a place to fight. now I play the role play to take the whip himself up to die, but whip to urge his disciples to play chess I can do. "
pQQRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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