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同一天发声明 范冰冰和章子怡同时怒告媒体


The same day issued a statement Fan Bingbing and Zhang Ziyi at the same time


0611144721.jpgiT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

昨日,范冰冰工作室在微博上发表声明,称“针对毕成功在其微博发布影射范冰冰的言论,及黔讯网同日刊发的直指范冰冰的诬蔑性文章及引发的后续事宜……发布如下公开声明:范冰冰及其团队从未实施过任何恶意捏造言论中所指言行,针对侵权的行为一向不姑息,不容忍。”同时,在范冰冰委托的律师发布的声明中,则称已经将毕成功(影评人)和黔讯网起诉至法院,有媒体报道范冰冰向对方分别索赔精神抚慰金50万元。iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

同一天,章子怡向香港高等法院递交诉状,针对香港媒体《苹果日报》《壹周刊》及相关媒体的不实报道正式提起诉讼,诉状中列举了所告媒体包括“章子怡陪睡”在内的多处诽谤及侮辱性报道。同时,章子怡在名为“稀土部队”的微博中称“状告无良媒体并非此行终点,谣言源头才是落幕之处。”iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

两位一线女星不约而同的举动是有关联的,因为,毕成功和黔讯网所谓影射范冰冰的言论和“章子怡陪睡门”有关,他们的言论称,炮制“章子怡陪睡门”的幕后主谋是范冰冰。iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

实际上,整件事有着丰富的剧情,同时又扑朔迷离,十足一出明星版“宫斗剧”。iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

一部电影和一个八卦iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

在范冰冰发布起诉声明之前,有一则新闻提到她,说范冰冰将正式进军好莱坞,和老牌007皮尔斯·布鲁斯南搭档出演好莱坞新片《日月人鱼》。有媒体称范冰冰是“击败章子怡”获得这一角色的,因为该片原本是要用章子怡的,因为近段时间关于她的一些传闻而搁置。iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

而《苹果日报》等香港媒体爆出的“章子怡陪睡门”正是近期关于章子怡最火爆的传闻,报道称章子怡以和富人睡觉捞取金钱、珠宝和房地产出名,她有五六名富豪男友,但只有一名公开的正牌男友,过去10年内,章子怡通过这种交易至少获取7亿元。iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

把这两件事关联到一起的是毕成功,正是他在微博中暗示范冰冰是黑章子怡的幕后黑手,使故事变得狗血起来。iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

一则微博和一出阴谋iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

《苹果日报》关于章子怡“陪睡”的报道刊登于5月29日,同一天,“章子怡团队”发布公开信称该新闻为虚假报道,并将通过法律渠道维护权益。第二天,毕成功发微博称:“所谓"情妇说"的诬陷计划,在3月已知,当时发了句吐槽。某人也真是。往死里整比自己强的,却忘记让自己变强才是王道。故今天当此流言扩散实施,反觉搞笑。”据媒体报道,毕成功在3月份发了一条英文微博,大意为:“F小姐,你不累吗?放过其他人,她们只是更好的女演员。”iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

又冒出争角色的剧情iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

随后,黔讯网刊登了一篇《编剧曝章子怡被黑内幕,主谋范冰冰已无戏可拍?》的文章,除了引用上述毕成功的微博言辞外,还引用毕成功的话写道“说实在的,组织团队黑章子怡还不如去减肥学跳舞,反正某人的金主有的是钱,听说好莱坞六大中的一家,想跟华语某著名青年导演合拍一部歌舞片,女主角得会跳舞,现有华语女演员,最有可能还是章子怡,届时某人岂不是有丢失一次届时(参加)六大(电影节)的机会?”iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

文章语带嘲讽,暗示范冰冰“黑章子怡”的目的和争夺电影角色有关。现在,范冰冰“击败章子怡”加盟《日月人鱼》的新闻也让人有所联想。iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“干爹”躺着也中枪iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

范冰冰和章子怡均是颇具争议的女星,两人同时起诉媒体,似乎在表明她们都是受害者。实际上,“黑”明星已经成为娱乐圈的一种现象,无论是章子怡“陪睡”还是范冰冰“金主有的是钱”这些传闻都是一种八卦谈资。而由此引发的她们找“干爹”“富豪”的八卦更是甚嚣尘上。iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

不久之前,范冰冰在接受媒体采访时,曾公开谈论“干爹”现象,她义正辞严地说:“我入行以来没找过"干爹",也没任何"干妈""干哥""干姐姐"之类的,也许找"干爹"的人是觉得一个亲爹不够吧,我亲爹特别好,我很爱他,所以也不需要再找"干爹"抢夺来自女儿的爱。”iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

有人告状,有人撇清iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

在“范冰冰黑章子怡”事件爆出之后,毕成功微博上关于此事的信息已经被删除,仅留下一句发表于5月29日“支持子怡”的微博(同时转发《章子怡团队公开信》)。在接受媒体采访时,毕成功否认是自己删除了微博内容,同时称否认其发表的微博意在影射范冰冰,他说自己微博“从来没有指名道姓”,对于其后的媒体报道,他认为与自己无关。他强调:“重申,本人从未公开指名道姓说谁黑章子怡,请媒体同仁也别再用P的假图黑我啦。”iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

目前,范冰冰和章子怡起诉的媒体均无回应。iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
 iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Yesterday, Fan Bingbing studio issued a statement on the microblogging, referred to as "completed successfully in its microblogging release alluding to the remarks of Fan Bingbing, and Qian News published the same day directed Fan Bingbing libelous articles and triggered follow-up matters ...... released the following public statement: Wallace and his team never practiced any malicious fabrications statements within the meaning of words and deeds, for infringement does not always tolerate intolerance. "At the same time, a statement issued by the appointed lawyer in the Fan Bingbing claimed has completed the successful prosecution of (film critic) and Qian News Network to the courts, the media reported that Fan Bingbing to the other claims for emotional damages of 500,000 yuan.iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The same day, Zhang filed a suit to the High Court of Hong Kong, formal proceedings against the Hong Kong media, the Apple Daily, Next Magazine and related media misinformation petitions listed in the report media including Zhang Ziyi accompany sleep including a number of defamation and insulting reports. The same time, Zhang Ziyi, hereinafter referred to as "microblogging, called" rare earth force "sued the unscrupulous media is not this the end of the rumor source is ended."iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Spontaneously move two line star, completed successfully and Qian News Network called innuendo Fan Bingbing's speech and "Zhang Ziyi to accompany the sleep gate" relevant, their words concocted "Zhang Ziyi accompany sleep gate" the mastermind behind Wallace.iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
In fact, the whole thing has a rich story, but also confusing, full of a star Palace fighting drama ".iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
A film and a gossipiT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Fan Bingbing released before the prosecution statement, a press referred to her, said Wallace will officially Hollywood, and the old partner 007 Pierce Brosnan starred in the Hollywood movie "Sun and Moon mermaid. Some media said that Fan Bingbing is a beat Zhang Ziyi for the role, because the film was originally a use Zhang Ziyi, Recently some rumors about her shelved.iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
"Apple Daily", Hong Kong media burst of the "Zhang Ziyi accompany sleep gate" is the recent rumors about Zhang Ziyi's most popular reported that Zhang Ziyi famous the rich and the sleeping fish for money, jewelry and real estate, she has five six rich boyfriend, but only an open genuine boyfriend in the past 10 years, Zhang Ziyi in such transactions for at least access to 700 million yuan.iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Associated with these two things together have completed successfully, exactly what he implied in the microblogging Fan Bingbing is a black Zhang Ziyi behind, so the story becomes the idea up.iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
A micro-Bo and a conspiracyiT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
"Apple Daily" reported on Zhang Ziyi "to accompany sleep" was published in the May 29, the same day, "Zhang Ziyi team issued an open letter saying that the news to be false reports, and to protect their interests through legal channels. The next day, the completion of successful hair microblogging, said: "The so-called" mistress said, "the framing plans, known in March, was made a sentence Tucao someone is really. Kill the whole better than they are, but forgot to strong is crucial. Therefore, this rumor diffusion implementation, anti feel funny. "According to media reports, completed successfully in March issued an English microblogging to the effect that:" F Miss, Are not you tired? let others, they are just a better actress. "iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Has cropped up the story of an indisputable roleiT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Subsequently, Qian News published an article "screenwriter exposed Zhang Ziyi to be black insider, the mastermind of Fan Bingbing no longer play to beat? , "The article, in addition to the reference to the completion of successful microblogging words, also cited the successful completion of the then wrote to say the truth, the organization team black Zhang Ziyi might as well go to lose weight learn to dance, anyway, someone gold owners have plenty of money, I heard Hollywood six one, would like to tell a well-known Chinese young directors in tune a musical, the heroine will be dancing, the existing Chinese actress, most likely, or Zhang Ziyi, when a person is not lost time when (to participate in ) six (Film Festival) opportunities? "iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Language articles with ridicule, and implied to Fan Bingbing "black Zhang Ziyi" The purpose of and competition for movie role. Now, Fan Bingbing beat Zhang Ziyi "joining the sun and the moon mermaid" news people to be Lenovo.iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
"Godfather" also shot lyingiT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Fan Bingbing and Zhang Ziyi is a controversial actress, they also sued the media, seems to indicate that they are victims. In fact, the star of "black" has become a phenomenon of entertainment, whether it is Zhang Ziyi "to accompany sleep" or Fan Bingbing "golden master plenty of money these rumors is a gossip for. Arising from them to find the "godfather" rich "gossip clamor.iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Not long ago, Fan Bingbing in a media interview, he openly talked about the phenomenon of "godfather", she stated rightly said: "Since the entry did not find the" godfather ", also did not have any" godmother "dry brother "dry sister" and the like, may find the "godfather" feel an own father is not enough, my own father in particular, I love him, so I do not need to find the "godfather" to snatch from her daughter love. "iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Some people complain, some people distance themselves fromiT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
After the incident broke, "Wallace Black Zhang Ziyi, the completion of successful microblogging information on this matter has been deleted, leaving only one published on May 29 to support ZZ" microblogging (also forwarded Akiko Yee team open letter "). In a media interview, completed successfully denied that it was deleted the contents of the microblogging also said that to deny its microblogging intended to insinuate Fan Bingbing, he said, microblogging "never name names, for the subsequent media coverage he that has nothing to do with their own. He stressed that: "reiterate that I never name names publicly said who is black, Zhang Ziyi, and colleagues invited the media to stop black false picture of the P me."iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Currently, Fan Bingbing and Zhang Ziyi, to prosecute the media had no response.
iT9Rainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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