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世界五大最胖动物: 刺猬重4斤兔子重45斤(组图)


World's top five fattest animals: hedgehog weight 4 kg rabbit weight of 45 pounds


好像人类肥胖一样,动物们也开始出现肥胖这一健康问题。饮食过于丰盛是导致其肥胖的主要原因。所以,要想从根本上解决这个健康问题,它们不得不像人类一样,节食减肥。MtKRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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世界上最肥的狗狗Cassie,它给人的感觉就是随时会塌陷下去。Cassie是世界上最胖的狗,已经七岁的它,每天的饮食与人的饮食相似,使得它好像热气球一般。它年长的孤单的主人视它为最好的朋友,他们一起进餐,一起吃外带食品,一起在周日烤肉。去年,Cassie不幸得病,一家犬类信托中心收容了它,并给它制定了减肥菜单和健康养生法。现在,聪明的Cassie减去了一半的体重,恢复了健康。MtKRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

(2)加利福尼亚的胖松鼠MtKRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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看到这个毛茸茸的小家伙,你会忍不住一直喂它坚果,加利福尼亚旅游的观光客们一直给这个胖墩墩的松鼠留下食物。林登(Snapper Marina van der Linden)加利福尼亚州水杉国家公园的摩洛岩石(Moro Rock) 保护区参观时候拍下了这个肥硕的家伙。她说:“我正拿出一包花生,突然间看见了一个松鼠家族。非常有趣的是它们块头都非常大,其中一只可以说是巨大。我想这得益于观光客给它们充足的食物。”MtKRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

(3)肥硕的猩猩欧帅(Oshine)MtKRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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提到猩猩,你心里想的还是在树中间荡秋千似的来回来去,那你一定是在开玩笑了。欧帅(Oshine),这只超重的猩猩热爱的不是林间穿梭,而是美味甜品——家乡南非的糖果、果冻、棉花糖。它从小被一对好心的夫妇喂养大,这对夫妇对它的饮食规律一无所知,使得它被注入双倍营养。但是现在,它的新家德尔斯特猴子世界的饲养员已经开始让它减肥,让它吃水果和蔬菜。它看上去对此很开心。MtKRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

(4)刺猬Roly PolyMtKRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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这个像只懒猪的正在减肥的家伙叫做Roly Poly,足足有2公斤重,是同类平均重量的三倍。Roly大量饱食了一对萨姆塞特(Somerset)好心的退休夫妇遗落的猫粮之后,就像吹起的气球一般肥硕了。但是现在,这个猪一样的家伙被当地的动物营救中心收留,中心对其进行严格的节食。MtKRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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(5)“小”兔子DariusMtKRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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Darius是一只身长4英尺(约合1.22米)的“陆地巨人”。它的重量足足有3.5英石(约合22.2公斤)。它是吉尼斯世界纪录的保持者,每天可以大口咀嚼12跟胡萝卜,6个苹果和2个卷心菜。干草作为它的茶点贯穿全天MtKRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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Like human obesity, as animals also began to obesity, health problems. Diet too rich to lead to obesity, the main reason. Therefore, in order to fundamentally solve the health problems they have to, like humans, dieting to lose weight.MtKRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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(1) dog CassieMtKRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The world's fattest dog Cassie, it gives the impression at any time will collapse down. Cassie is the fattest dog in the world, it has been seven years old, the daily diet is similar to the human diet, making it as hot-air balloon. Older lonely master regarded it as a best friend, they dine together, eat take-out food, with the Sunday roast. Last year, Cassie unfortunate disease, a dog Trust Center to accept it, and it has developed diet menus and health regimen. Now, smart Cassie minus half their body weight back to health.MtKRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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California (2) fat squirrelsMtKRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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See the furry little guy, you can not help but have been fed nuts, California tourism tourists have been left to the plump squirrel food. Linden (Snapper Marina van der Linden) the Metasequoia National Park in California Moro Rock Moro is Rock, protected areas to visit when photographed this stout fellow. She said: "I am come up with a bag of peanuts, and suddenly saw a squirrel family is very interesting, they block header, which one can be said is great and I would like to benefit from the tourists give them adequate food. "MtKRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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(3) the stout gorilla Europe handsome (Oshine,)MtKRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Referred to the gorillas, what you think or among the tree swing like backwards and forwards, then you must be joking. Europe handsome (Oshine,), the shuttle only overweight gorilla love is not the forest, but delicious desserts - the hometown of South Africa, candy, jellies, marshmallows. It since childhood to be fed by a pair of well-intentioned couple large, ignorant of the couple to its dietary laws, it is injected into the double nutrition. But now, the breeder of monkeys in the world in its new home in Del Manchester has it to lose weight, let it eat fruits and vegetables. It looks am very happy.MtKRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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(4) Hedgehog Roly PolyMtKRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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This is like just a lazy guy on a diet called the Roly Poly, a full two kilograms in weight, which is three times that of similar average weight. Roly has a lot of satiation William Somerset (Somerset,) a pair of well-meaning cat food left behind by the retired couple, like blowing a balloon, stout. But now, this pig guy by the local animal rescue center shelter, the center of their strict diet.MtKRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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(5) "small" rabbit DariusMtKRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Darius is a length of 4 feet (1.22 meters) of land-based giant. It weighs a full 3.5 cristobalite (about 22.2 kilograms). It is the holder of the Guinness Book of World Records day, big mouth and chewing 12 Contact carrots, six apples and two cabbage. Hay as the refreshments throughout all day
MtKRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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