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揭秘明星助理生存状况:月薪两三千 做不好挨打


Secret star assistant living conditions: a monthly salary of two or three thousand good


QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

最近有两则新闻,助理“抢”了明星的风头———李小璐(微博)的一名助理在活动现场与记者一言不合,竟然出手动粗;歌手韦唯 (微博)参加活动,同行的两名助理发现有记者拍照,怒指记者口出恶言。“明星助理”这一职业再度引起舆论关注。QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

明星助理是不是也跟明星一样,特别光鲜亮丽?明星怎么招聘助理?助理的薪水有多少?到底做什么工作?平时忍受着怎样的委屈?……带着这些疑问,羊城晚报记者近日走访了多位圈内人士,揭秘明星助理的真实一面。QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

入行门槛 QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

明星助理靠招聘?QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

正解:主要靠圈内口碑相传,亲友和粉丝是主要人选。QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

怎样才能入行当明星助理?曾经担任过某知名女主持经纪人的陈先生告诉记者:“别指望有公司会公开招聘明星助理,这个与明星隐私高度相关的工作,老板们怎么可能去找陌生人呢?明星找助理,一般都是通过圈内人的口碑相传。”QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

出于信任度等方面的考虑,不少明星喜欢用自己的亲戚朋友当助理,比如刘亦菲由妈妈亲任“助理兼保姆”,王心凌的助理是其嫂子。陈先生说:“明星给大家看到的都是风光的一面,私生活是不愿意和陌生人分享的。”QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

此外,明星的粉丝也是助理人选的一大来源。陈先生透露香港某天王的助理就是追随多年的粉丝,“这位粉丝一直和经纪人保持着良好关系,加上为偶像做事无怨无悔,用起来自然顺心。”在圈内这样的例子还有很多,港台地区最出名的是谢霆锋助理“表哥”,他跟记者保持着非常好的关系,从来不会黑脸,在“锋芝”婚变之际,二人之子Lucas外出皆由他护驾。林志颖的美女助理则是他的高中同学,多年交情知己知彼。QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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正解:起码要懂电脑,大牌明星会聘用外籍人士。QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

在普通人的印象中,助理工作的技术含量并不高:明星出行帮开车门,出席活动当“肉盾”开道,片场拍戏端茶倒水,上综艺节目在旁边抱着衣服……因此,有人称助理的入行门槛等同于保姆级别,还有人戏称助理为“娱乐圈民工”。QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Y先生曾经担任过国内某一线女星的经纪人,他很不认可对明星助理的“妖魔化”描述,“虽然端茶倒水的工作助理也会做,但并不等于助理的入行门槛就和家政工人一个标准。据我所知,内地好几个一线女星的助理都是外籍人士,一来出国比较方便,二来艺人在国外出席活动时,懂英语的助理有助于现场沟通;第三,这些洋助理还可以教明星说英语,包括一些国外的礼仪细节。”QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Y先生也承认,因明星的资历不同,各级助理的标准也不一样,“经纪公司给二三线艺人安排的助理,标准就没那么高,以年轻人居多,会用电脑是最起码的要求,因为你要为明星安排行程啊、查收通告稿件什么的”。QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

工作内容 QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

日常就端茶倒水?QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

正解:工作非常琐碎,有时还得当“肉盾”。QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

小Z是某男星的助理,与记者约好的采访一直到深夜12点才得以进行,因为之前他一直待在“老板”次日要出席的活动现场,与主办方沟通每一个细节,“我要知道他们派来的是什么车?车上可以坐几个人?从停车场哪个入口进?化妆间是不是临时的?能不能到了现场再换衣服?乘坐哪台电梯上楼?……”QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

小Z之前曾在某女星身边做过助理,每次老板参加时尚活动,他必须来回往时装店跑三次,“老板没有时间去试衣服,每次活动前我要去店里取来衣服,让老板试后记下尺寸,拿回去再改,改好再取一次衣服,活动结束后还得按时把衣服还回去。”QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

助理的工作还有不少风险,特别是面对疯狂的粉丝,有时还要当“肉盾”兼保镖。2008年,范冰冰(微博)在西安出席某活动,短短30米的红毯,因为人潮的拥挤,足足走了20分钟,其助理搂着范冰冰艰难移步,哭着对人群哀求:“让我们走吧,让我们走吧。”QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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正解:第一要求管住嘴,处理事情不越权。QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

关于助理的职责范围,圈内并没有一个明确的规定。小牌艺人的助理,有可能身兼经纪人、宣传数职;而大牌艺人的身边,则有明星助理、经纪人助理、生活助理等区分。QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

在香港带过艺人的W小姐告诉记者:“最起码,助理要管住自己的嘴。因为助理是与艺人相处时间最长的人,有的助理可能把一些事当成玩笑就说出去了。所以一个好助理不该问的一定不会问,即使知道了什么秘密,也要烂在肚子里。”QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

W小姐还以李小璐助理打人一事为反面例子:“首先打人是不对的,而且这位助理还超出了职责范围,和媒体沟通属于经纪人和宣传总监的工作,助理没有这方面的处事经验,容易把事情搞砸。”无独有偶,2010年6月,产后复出的赵薇在上海机场遭到媒体前后夹击,一路跟随着她的男助理怒火中烧,对着面前摄像机的话筒线猛然就是一脚,让人大跌眼镜。QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

小Z也告诉记者,做助理这行,能坚持下来的人不多,“太辛苦了,而且还要面对那么多诱惑,很容易就会心态失衡。很多年轻人来的时候都把这份工作想得特别光鲜亮丽,做不到一个月就灰熘熘地走了。”QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

工资月入两三千?QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

正解:工资很寒碜,主要收入靠红包。QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

小Z和两个同行租住在北京四环外的一个公寓楼,平均每人每月负担1000元房租,大概占月薪的三分之一。小Z告诉记者:“3000元到4000元的月薪算是助理里不错的了,很多小艺人的助理每个月拿一两千元工资也很平常。就算是一线大牌艺人的助理,工资也不会超过6000元。”不过,小Z也透露了一个圈中潜规则,“老板给的红包往往都比工资多。有时候过节,或者拿下一个大项目,老板一般都会给我们包一个大红包,金额有时会多过半年的薪水。”QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

小Z还列举了几位同行的待遇,“我有个朋友,是给某一线女星当助理,除了红包之外,老板还经常给她买名牌挎包。还有位Q姓女星对下属也特别好,自己掏钱给几个助理在北京三环内租了一套房子。”QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

圈内被公认的阔气老板当属范冰冰,每年到戛纳电影节出席活动期间,范冰冰都会为工作人员包下一栋豪宅,让助理们好好享受地中海的阳光。今年3月,范冰冰还替自己的化妆师筹办婚宴,一口气包下30桌酒席。年终奖方面,黄晓明(微博)出手一向大方,去年更是将年终奖的最高奖金提高到百万元。出身富裕之家的吴尊,曾大手笔向40名员工豪派约15万元的新年红包。QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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做得不好会被打?QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

正解:剧组助理最辛苦,某些明星对助理很苛刻。QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

除了高强度的工作,有时助理还不得不忍受某些明星的白眼甚至打骂。最苦的工作就是跟随明星一起去荒郊野外拍戏,Y先生说:“助理须陪同明星留在剧组,照顾演员的饮食起居。如果明星没有休息好,或者生病,会连累整个剧组,所以助理的后勤工作非常关键。”QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

小Z一直庆幸自己遇到的都是好老板,他曾经在横店亲眼见到有明星对助理动粗。小Z回忆称:“那是一个香港的二线男演员,他中午要吃面条,助理给他煮了一碗,结果他嫌面条太硬,一下把整晚面都泼到地上,手上的筷子顺势扔向助理,嘴里还骂人家太笨。”小Z透露,横店拍戏的剧组多,催生了不少临时生活助理,这些人只是打短工,有些明星对他们就特别苛刻。QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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正解:艺人愿意倒苦水,因为身边可聊的人不多。QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

因为和明星走得近,一些长情的助理往往也成了明星最好的朋友,甚至好过那些以姐妹相称的艺人朋友。大部分明星都更乐意招聘同性当助理,很多说不出来的苦衷,道不尽的秘密,明星往往会选择助理作为倾诉对象。QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

对于自己听过明星倾诉什么心里话,小Z守口如瓶,“老板告诉我,是因为他相信我,如果我把一些事情说出来了,那么我不仅会失去这个雇主,我在这个圈内也不可能再生存下去。”一些和艺人聊得来的助理,久而久之就会帮助艺人打理更多的工作,甚至逐渐取代经纪人。小Z就称:“很多人利用这一行当为自己积累人脉,然后转行做经纪人,或者去运作一些项目,这也是我最近在考虑的事情。”QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Recently, two news assistants to "grab" the star of the limelight --- Lu Lu (microblogging), an assistant in the active site Yiyanbuge with reporters, even shots of brute force; singer Wei Wei (microblogging) to participate in activities, peer two assistant reporters camera, called the company reporter blaspheming. Star Assistant profession once again attracted media attention.QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Star assistant with the stars, in particular bright lights? Star how to recruit Assistant? Assistant salary? In the end do what work? Usually suffer what kind of grievances? The ... With these questions, the Yangcheng Evening News reporter recently visited a number of insiders, the real side of Secret star assistant.QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Entry barriersQUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Star Assistant rely on recruitment?QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Positive Solutions: depends mainly on the circle of word of mouth, relatives, friends and fans is the main candidate.QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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How to get into the line of business star assistant? Served as a well-known hostess broker, Chen told reporters: "Do not expect the company will open recruitment star assistant, this highly relevant to the star privacy, bosses how could go to a stranger? Star looking for assistant general According to legend, by the reputation of the insiders. "QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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For trust and other considerations, a lot of stars like their relatives and friends as an assistant, such as Liu Yifei mother pro assistant and nanny "Cyndi's assistant is their sister-in-law. Chen said: "star for everyone to see scenery, private life do not want strangers to share."QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In addition, the fans of the star is also the assistant candidates a source. Mr Chan said Hong Kong King's assistant is to follow the years fans "The fans have been and brokers to maintain good relations, coupled with work as their idols regrets, to use natural liking." In the circle this example many Hong Kong and Taiwan is best known for Nicholas Tse Assistant "cousin", he maintained very good relations with reporters, never the bad guy, go out to Lucas in "Feng Chi" on the occasion of the marriage is in crisis, the son of two chosen by him escorting. Jimmy's beautiful assistant is his high school classmates, know ourselves and many years of friendship.QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Nanny to an assistant?QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Positive Solutions: least to understand computers, the big stars will be the employment of expatriates.QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Impression of the ordinary people, the technical content of the assistant is not high: the star trip to help the car door, attended the event when the "human shields" to clear the way, the studio filming the teapot, holding clothes on a variety show in the next ... so, Assistant-person entry threshold is equivalent to a nanny level, also joked that assistant entertainment migrant workers.QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Mr. Y has served as a line the actress's agent, he is very recognized star assistant to "demonize" Description, "Although the the teapot Assistant will do, but not equal to the Assistant to the entry barrier and a standard of domestic workers. As far as I know, several first-line in the Mainland actress Assistant expatriates to go abroad more convenient to artists attended the event in a foreign country, the English-speaking assistant to help on-site communication; , these foreign assistant can teach star to speak English, including some foreign ritual details.QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Mr. Y also acknowledged star of the different qualifications, standards are not the same at all levels of assistant, assistants, standard brokerage arrangements to the second and third tier artists are not so high, mostly young people to use computers is a minimum requirement because you want to travel arrangements for the stars, find notice manuscript.QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Work contentQUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Daily teapot?QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Positive Solutions: very trivial, and sometimes had when the "human shields".QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Small Z is a certain actor's assistant, until 12:00 midnight, the appointment of an interview with reporters was able to, because he has to stay in the "boss" the next day to attend the event, communication with the organizers every detail, " I want to know what kind of car they are sent? car can take a few people? into which the entrance from the parking lot? is not a temporary dressing room? can not come to the scene clothes? ride which elevator upstairs? ......QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Small Z was previously an actress side has done assistant, every time the boss to participate in the fashion event, he must run three times back and forth to boutiques, the boss did not have time to try the clothes before each event, I'm going to the store to fetch clothes. your boss try Postscript size, and get back to change, change and then take our clothes after the event had to time the clothes back. "QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The work of the assistants, there are many risks, especially in the face of the crazy fans, and sometimes when the "human shields" and bodyguard. 2008, Fan Bingbing (microblogging) in Xi'an, to attend an event, just 30 meters of red carpet, because the crowd is crowded, go a full 20 minutes, their assistants around the Fan Bingbing difficult venue, crying, begging the crowd : "Let us go, let's go."QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Size matters had to be tube?QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Positive Solutions: The first requirement pipe shut to deal with things is not ultra vires.QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The circle does not have a clearly defined scope of responsibilities of the Assistant. Small card artist assistant, who is also the agent, publicity several positions; side of the big-name artists, the star assistant, brokers assistant, LIFE distinguish.QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Hong Kong with the artist, Miss W told reporters: "At least, Assistant to resist the temptation of mouth. Say that out because the assistant is a person with the longest time and artists to get along, and some assistant may be something as a joke, so an assistant should not ask certain not ask, even if they know a secret, but also bad in the stomach. "QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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W Miss Lu Lu Assistant beating regarding the negative example: "First hit is wrong, and the assistant is also beyond the scope of responsibilities, communication and media director of the brokers and publicity work, the assistant of doing things easy to screw up. "Similarly, in June 2010, the postpartum return of Zhao Wei in the Shanghai airport was the media before and after the attack, all the way with her male assistant anger burn, facing the front of the camera's microphone cable suddenly is one foot , eye-popping.QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Small Z also told the reporter, assistant to adhere to the few people down too hard, but also the face of so much temptation, it is easy to mental balance. Many young people came regard this work would like to particularly glamorous, can not do a month on the gray leavened leavened away. "QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Wage monthly income of two or three thousand?QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Positive Solutions: the wages were very shabby, the main source of income to rely on a red envelope.QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Small Z and two peers living in an apartment building outside the Fourth Ring Road in Beijing, an average monthly pay 1000 yuan rent, about one third of his monthly salary. Small Z told reporters: "3000 yuan to 4000 yuan monthly salary to be regarded as a good assistant where the many small artist's assistant get one or two thousand dollars salary a month is also very common. Front-line big-name artists assistant, wages will not more than 6000 yuan. "However, the small Z also revealed the hidden rules in a circle," the boss to give red envelopes often than wages. Sometimes the holidays, or win a big project, the boss usually we pack a big red The amount of sometimes more than half a year's salary. "QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The small Z also cited the treatment of several colleagues, "I have a friend, to a line actress as an assistant outside the red envelope, the boss often buy her a brand-name bag. Bit Q surname actress subordinates particularly good at their own cost to a few assistants to rent a house within the Third Ring Road in Beijing. "QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The circle is recognized as the lavish boss was undoubtedly Fan Bingbing, during the annual Cannes Film Festival to attend the event, Fan Bingbing will staff packet of a luxury, let the assistants to enjoy the Mediterranean sun. In March of this year, Fan Bingbing also organize weddings for their own make-up artist, relief package of 30 tables banquet. Year-end awards, Huang Xiaoming (microblogging) shot has always been generous, and last year is the year-end awards top prize to one million yuan. House from wealthy Wu Zun, generous to the 40 employees ho sent about 15 million New Year red envelopes.QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Host and the guest relationsQUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Doing a good job will be to play?QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Positive Solutions: crew assistant is the most difficult, and some stars are very harsh on the assistant.QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In addition to high-intensity work, and sometimes the assistant also had to endure some of the stars looked down upon and even beatings. The toughest job is to follow the star to go to the wilderness filming, Mr. Y said: "Assistant required to accompany the stars stay in the crew to take care of the daily diet of the actor. If the star had a good rest, or sick, will hurt the entire crew, so the assistant logistical work is critical. "QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The small Z has been fortunate that their encounter is a good boss, he had witnessed in Hengdian star Assistant abusive. Small Z recalled, said: "That is one of Hong Kong's second-tier actor, he at noon to eat noodles, cook a bowl of assistant to him, a result, he too noodles too hard, the night face splashed to the ground, chopsticks in hand advantage of the opportunity thrown at the assistant, his mouth to curse dumb. "small Z revealed Hengdian filming crew, gave birth to a lot of temporary living assistant, these people just day laborers, some stars are particularly harsh on them.QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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When the star who cares?QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Positive Solutions: The artists are willing to pour bitter, because of the few people around can talk.QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Go near, and star long love of the assistant often has become the star's best friend, or even better than those commensurate with artist friends to sisters. Most of the stars are more willing to hire an assistant, the homosexual indescribable difficulties Road, not the secret, the stars tend to select assistant as a confidant.QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Heard of the star to talk what truth, a small tight-lipped Z, "the boss told me, because he believed in me, if I put some things out, then I will not only lose the employer, in this circle can not survive. "Some of the assistant and artists to talk to the passage of time will help the artist to take care of more work, and even gradually replaced broker. Small Z said: "Many people use this business accumulated for their own network of people, and then switch to a broker or to the operation of some of the projects I recently considering the matter."
QUHRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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