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加拿大分尸案的来龙去脉 林俊经常网上找性伴侣


Canada the dismembered case the ins and outs Jiun regular Internet to find sexual partners


5月29日,一名迄今不知姓名的中国留学生向加拿大蒙特利尔警方报案,称其朋友、同样是中国留学生的林俊下落不明多日,担心其遇到不测。ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

蒙特利尔是拥有数百万人口的加拿大第二大城市,移民众多,人口结构复杂,一名外国留学生失踪几天,在警方最初看来并非大不了的案件,因此一开始并未受到多少重视。但几小时后,一切都改变了。ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

当天下午,首都渥太华。执政党——联邦保守党总部收到一个奇怪邮包,打开后所有在场者都吓得毛骨悚然:邮包内是一只腌过的人的左脚。ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

在场者立即报警,警方迅速开始监控邮递系统,并很快有了新的发现:一个类似的邮包正在送往反对党——联邦自由党总部,里面装的是一只左手。ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

由于邮包都是从蒙特利尔寄出,当地警方迅速行动,展开地毯式搜索,18小时后终于有了收获:在蒙特利尔西城C?te-des-Neiges地区一座公寓楼昏暗后巷的垃圾堆里,警方发现了属于人类的左腿、左臂和其它大大小小的残骸,这些很快都被证明属于同一个人:32岁的中国留学生林俊。ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

更重要的是,警方很快发现这些垃圾属于那幢公寓楼的一个住户、29岁的兼职色情演员卢卡.洛克.马尼奥塔,继而在其公寓里发现了一堆证据:沾有林俊血迹和尸块的冷柜和床垫,以及大量文字和电脑记录等。ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

警方发现,他们遇到的是一个并不陌生的人物。ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

马尼奥塔本名埃里克.克林顿.纽曼,出生于多伦多士嘉堡区,后移居安大略省林德赛,绰号“千变埃里克”,以善于化装易容著称,曾使用过多个化名,如“克尔克曼”、“弗拉基米尔.罗曼诺夫”、“卢卡”、“吉米”,等等。此人有前科:2004年他曾诈骗一名女性1.7万加元并性侵她,后竟男扮女装假冒受害者申请信用卡消费。2010年他曾在视频网站上上传虐猫照片,因此一直是动保组织“人肉搜索”的对象。ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

更震撼的发现是,此人竟在几天前将自己分尸杀人的视频上传传播。在这些骇人视频中,马尼奥塔挥舞冰镐分尸,并伴随着电影《美国惊魂记》的音乐。这段视频明显经过处理,以至于收视者最初认为是假的,并因难以卒视而将之称为“加拿大精神病人的玩意儿”,没想到居然是真的。ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

不仅如此,警方很快又发现,此人曾将这一视频发送到许多政要的电子邮箱,其中也包括加拿大联邦总理哈珀。ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

这下事情可闹大了:总理府发言人表示,凶嫌的行为“令公众与社会不安”,必须尽快缉捕归案。ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

5月30日,魁北克省高等法院法官让-弗朗索瓦.布佛尼签署加拿大国内通缉令,在全国范围内有效;同日,国际刑警组织也签发了国际逮捕令,要求其190个成员国全力缉捕。当天,蒙特利尔检查机构传出消息,马尼奥塔将被起诉四项控罪:一级谋杀、亵渎遗体、使用邮政系统投递“猥亵、不当、不道德或淫秽物品”,以及“恐吓联邦总理”。ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

一名公寓住户称,马尼奥塔是5月25日11点左右拎着箱子离开的,警方相信,箱子里装有部分尸体残骸;通过检查视频纪录,警方发现他在5月26日乘飞机离开蒙特利尔,目的地是法国巴黎。ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

6月2日,巴黎方面有人表示,在巴黎见到了凶嫌马尼奥塔。位于巴黎17区的Studio des Batignolles旅馆经理Sbyibi el Bachir称,他在5月31日看见疑似凶嫌者在该区中等价位咖啡馆Massonneau喝了一瓶软饮料,于是立即报警,但警察却扑了个空。这里属于圣丹尼地区,位于巴黎国际长途汽车总站附近,便于逃脱,马尼奥塔选择此处显然经过精心策划。ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

当天人们议论纷纷,有人认为他就在巴黎,也有人觉得他可能从巴黎中转,逃到欧洲别处。不断有消息称,他在逃亡途中还不时上网,甚至开通了两个网络游戏账户,他也与至少两个法国网友保持着断断续续的联系。蒙特利尔警方甚至有人猜测称,马尼奥塔可能使用不同护照和姓名,在欧洲转了一圈后,又悄悄熘回蒙特利尔躲起来,并“可能化装成女性”。ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

就在人们不断猜测之际,6月4日却从柏林传来意外消息:马尼奥塔落网了。ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

这天在柏林Neuk?lln区一间格调低下的网吧里,网吧老板卡迪.安拉伊斯利发现有一名顾客酷似通缉嫌犯马尼奥塔,他仔细观察,确认“100%无误”后熘出去报警,警方赶到后马尼奥塔并未反抗,束手就擒,警方发现,他在被捕时所看的网页是《明镜》周刊英文在线版,内容正是他自己的案情。ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据《蒙特利尔公报》报道称,柏林警方之所以如此神速,是因为当时网吧外正有一队7名警察路过,和网吧老板巧遇,而这些警察是1名教官、6名学员,路过那里其实是参加培训而非巡逻。据称马尼奥塔其实6月1日凌晨就熘到柏林,一直住在Neuk?lln和新科隆两个区,那里是土耳其人、库尔德人和阿拉伯人侨民混居的复杂区域。ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

法国警方表示,马尼奥塔使用了“特拉莫尔”的假名混上长途汽车,而这个名字显然也不是随意起的:1992年电影《本能》里由莎朗.斯通扮演的女主角就叫凯瑟琳.特拉莫尔。ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

他被捕后立即被送到 柏林郊区的滕帕尔霍夫监狱,那里以前是一个盟军空军基地,当年柏林空运时是整个西柏林生命线的枢纽所在。德国警方发言人斯特凡.瑞德里奇称,马尼奥塔“十分合作”,被关在单人囚室,警方称,在6月5日的简单审讯中,马尼奥塔并未拒绝被引渡,而引渡手续十分繁琐,可能“需要数周”才能办妥。ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

如今人们知道,杀戮发生在5月24日晚至5月25日凌晨这段时间里,而凶嫌和受害者都是什么人?他们之间又有怎样的关系?ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

网上有消息称,马尼奥塔童年“曾遭到非人虐待”,但很快有人表示,这些故事来自他本人,而他“不知道哪句话是真的”,因为他曾说自己“杀死过全家”,还说和正在监狱服刑的变态杀人狂卡尔拉.霍莫尔卡是前情侣,但这些显然都不是真的——他的家人许多还健在,而霍莫尔卡明确表示,自己根本不认识此人。ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

有人传说他是个种族主义者,但这很可能和他的虐猫行为一样,只是为了提高网络知名度,因为从他混乱的行为中很难理清其政治倾向的脉络(他居然把尸体残骸同时邮寄给立场针锋相对的几大政党),唯一可以解释的只有一条:出名,在网络上出名。ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

种种迹象表明他很在乎网络的“江湖地位”,即使逃亡也不忘上网,蒙特利尔警方称,仅在facebook上,他就有至少60个账号,而“警方掌握的恐怕只是冰山一角”。当得知他在网吧被捕时,蒙特利尔警察总监伊恩.拉弗雷尼埃尔重复了几天前他曾说过的一段话:嫌犯太在意网络给他带来的“荣耀”,最终他也必然栽在网络上。ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

那么,林俊又是何许人也?ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

法国《快报》的介绍称,林俊是武汉人,为了移民加拿大曾一直就读于价格不菲的北京法语联盟语言教程,但最终只能以留学方式来加,2010年7月抵达蒙特利尔,就读于TYARK专上学院,在这座仅相当于中国国内中专的学校学一些“前途叵测的专业”。ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

林俊喜欢上网,在新浪微博拥有一个粉丝数达17500人的账户,之所以如此出名,是因为他敢于大胆暴露其同性恋取向,而这在中国人中是很大胆的,他还经常把自己半裸甚至全裸的图片发到网站上。ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据说他刚到加拿大时很兴奋,但很快便情绪低落,他在微博上称,自己年纪太大,学生中很多都比他小10多岁,叫自己叔叔都没问题,这“让他膝盖上中了一箭”。ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

表面上看他一切如常,他在一家杂货铺打工,老板说他“表现不错,很可靠也很守时”,但他过去的同学称,他将目标转为“寻找幸福和伴侣”(当然是同性的),并称他“经常在网上寻找性伴侣”。ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

《环球邮报》的文章认为他有双重性格:喜欢看恐怖电影,在新浪微博的ID是“坏蛋贾斯汀”,而他的英文名字Justin Rain这个吸血鬼传奇-暮光之城中龙套的名字,而他在蒙特利尔公开使用的名字则同样有好几个,包括法文名“帕特里克”和英文名“贾斯汀”等。心理学家称,他“极度自卑和自尊交织,还颇为自恋”,但似乎也意识到风险,去年情人节他在微博上更换了头像,一个用自己照片变形而成的、有掉光牙齿嘴巴和紫色头发的恐怖灰色头像,标题是“我”,而上个月他发了一张空空如也的蒙特利尔地铁车厢照片,标题是“杀戮的午夜列车”,不想一语成谶。他所发的个人照片几乎都是独自一人。ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

如今在加拿大,几乎无人怀疑林俊和凶嫌有“特殊的亲密关系”,在加拿大,同性恋关系并非什么见不得人的事,卑诗省等一些省份,同性婚姻业已合法化。但在中国,同性恋合法化仍然存在巨大社会争议,或许正是因为如此,林俊的中方亲友寥寥无几信息中,几乎清一色断然否认二人之间有什么特殊瓜葛。ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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May 29, a so far unidentified Chinese students to Canada, Montreal police report, call friends, the same Chinese students Jiun missing for several days, worried about their encounter unexpected.ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Montreal is Canada's second largest city with millions of people, many immigrants, the complex structure of the population, a foreign student missing a few days, in the cases police initially does not seem a big deal, so from the beginning has not been much attention. A few hours later, everything changed.ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In the afternoon, the capital of Ottawa. The ruling party - the Federal Conservative Party headquarters received a strange parcel post, and opened all those present are scared horror: the left foot of the parcels within a marinated.ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The presence of those who call the police, the police quickly began to monitor the postal system, and soon a new discovery: a similar parcels are being sent to the opposition parties - the federal Liberal Party headquarters, was inside a left-handed.ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Parcels are sent from Montreal, the local police to act quickly began a blanket search finally rewarded after 18 hours: Montreal West C? Te-des-Neiges area dim rear lane of the garbage dump of an apartment building, the police found belong to man's left leg, left arm and other large and small debris, and these soon proved to belong to the same person: a 32-year-old Chinese students Jiun.ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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More important is that the police soon discovered that the garbage is that big apartment building in a household, a 29-year-old part-time porn actor Luka Locke Magny-Horta, and then found in his apartment a pile of evidence: stained forest Chun blood and body parts of the freezer and mattresses, and a large number of text and computer records.ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The police found, is no stranger to the characters they encounter.ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Magny-Horta this Mingailike Clinton. Newman, born in 多伦多士嘉 Fort, after he moved to Ontario Lindsay, nicknamed "Chibi Eric, good at disguise Disguise with said had used excessive a pseudonym, such as the "Kerr Blackman", "Vladimir Romanov," Luka "," Jimmy, "and so on. This person had a criminal record: In 2004, he had fraud plus $ 17,000 of the one female and sexually abusing her, after actually dresser fake victims to apply credit card. In 2010, he had on the video site upload photos kitten, it has been the object of the animal protection organization "human flesh search".ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The more shocking discovery is that this person actually dismembered murder video to upload a few days ago, spread. In these horrifying video, Manny Horta brandishing an ice ax, drawn and quartered, and along with the movie "American Psycho" music. This video was treated, so that the viewer initially believed to be false, and because of the difficult and death, as will be referred to as "the stuff of mental patients in Canada, did not think that is actually true.ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Not only that, the police soon discovered that this person had this video sent to the e-mail of many dignitaries, including the Canadian Federation Prime Minister Stephen Harper.ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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This next thing may become significant: the Prime Minister's Office spokesman said the suspect's behavior, "the public and social unrest, must be under arrest as soon as possible.ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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May 30, the Quebec Superior Court Judge Jean - Francois Bufo Ni signing of the Canada warrant effective nationwide; the same day, Interpol issued an international arrest warrant, requiring its 190 member countries effort to track. The day of inspection bodies in Montreal came news of the Magny-Horta will be prosecuted to the four charges: first-degree murder, desecration of the remains, use the postal system delivery "indecency, improper, immoral or obscene articles", and "intimidation Federal Chancellor .ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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An apartment tenants said Mani Horta left the suitcase around at 11:00 on the May 25, police believe that the box is equipped with some of the corpses; by examining the video record, the police found him in the plane on May 26 left Montreal, the destination is Paris, France.ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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June 2, Paris has been said that the suspect was seen in Paris, Magny Horta. Studio des Batignolles, a hotel manager in Paris 17 Sbyibi el Bachir said he saw on May 31 suspected suspect in the area of ​​mid-priced cafes Massonneau drank a bottle of soft drink, so call the police but the police rushed to empty . Saint Denis region, located near the International Bus Terminal in Paris, and ease of escape, Manila the Horta select here obviously been carefully planned.ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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People talking about the day, some people think he was in Paris, some people think he may transfer from Paris, fled to Europe elsewhere. There have been news that, in flight from time to time, the Internet, and even opened two online game accounts, he maintained intermittent contact with at least two French friends. Montreal police, and some even speculated that Magny-Horta may use different passports and names, in a circle in Europe, leavened quietly back to Montreal to hide, and "may be disguised as women.ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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People continue to guess, June 4, but never in Berlin came the unexpected message: Mani Horta arrested.ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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This day in Berlin Neuk? Lln a poor style cafes, Internet cafe owners Cady. 安拉伊斯利, a customer resembles wanted suspects Manila Horta, he carefully observe and make sure 100% correct "after leavened out to the police, the police arrived 后马尼奥塔 did not resist, without a fight, police found the pages to see when he was arrested the English online edition of "Der Spiegel", it was his own merits.ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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"Montreal communiqué" reported that the Berlin police the reason why so rapidly, is the time cafes outside is there a team of seven police officers passed by, and the cafe owner coincidence, but these police officers is one instructors, six students pass by there in fact is to participate in training rather than patrolling. Mani Horta reportedly in fact the morning of June 1, leavened to Berlin, has been living in Neuk? Lln and new Cologne in two districts, there are Turks, Kurds and Arab nationals mixed complex region.ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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French police said, using the pseudonym "Tramore" Magny-Horta mixed on the coach, and this name is clearly not free from: the heroine played by Sharon Stone in the 1992 movie "Basic Instinct" called Catherine Tramore.ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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After his arrest, was immediately sent to the Berlin suburb of 滕帕尔霍夫 prison, there used to be an Allied Air Force Base, when the Berlin Airlift is the hub of the entire West Berlin lifeline. German police spokesman Stefan Reid Ridge said Mani Horta "very co-operative, in a single cell, police said in a simple trial on June 5, Magny-Horta has not refused to extradition, extradition procedures are very complicated, and may "need a few weeks to settle.ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Now people know that the killings occurred in the morning this time in the evening of May 24 to May 25, the suspect and the victims are people? What relation is there between them?ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Online news that Manila Horta childhood "had been subjected to inhuman abuse", but soon it was said that these stories come from himself, he "did not know Naju Hua is really, because he once said he "kill the whole family," said metamorphosis murder and are serving prison sentences mad Carla Homolka is a former couple, but these are clearly not true - many of his family still alive, while Homolka made it clear that he did not know this person.ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Some say he is a racist, but this is likely the child and his cat behavior, in order to improve network visibility, because from his chaotic behavior is difficult to clarify the context of their political tendencies (he actually corpses at the same time mail position diametrically opposed to the major political parties), the only explanation is only one: well-known, well-known on the network.ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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There are indications that he cares about the "position" of the network, even if the fugitive has not forgotten the Internet, Montreal police said only on facebook, there are at least 60 accounts, and "the police have probably only the tip of the iceberg". Learned that he was arrested in the cafe, Montreal police chief Ian Laffer Rainey El repeat the words a few days ago he had said: suspect too concerned about the network brought him "glory", he eventually must be planted on the network.ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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So, Chiun is the sort of person?ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The introduction of French Letters, Jiun Wuhan, the Alliance Française language tutorial in order to immigrate to Canada had been studying at the expensive, but in the end only to study the way to Canada, arrived in Montreal in July 2010, studied at the TYARK tertiary institutions, this is only equivalent to China's domestic secondary school to learn some "professional of the future unpredictable.ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Jiun like the Internet, has a number of fans up to 17,500 people in Sina microblogging account, was so famous, because he dared to boldly expose their homosexual orientation, which the Chinese people is very bold, he also often The half-naked or even naked pictures sent to the site.ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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It is said that he arrived in Canada is very excited, but soon depressed, he said on the microblogging own too old, many of the students than he was a small 10-year-old called his uncle no problem, "he his knees in an arrow. "ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Surface, his business as usual, he is working in a grocery store, the boss said he was "doing well, very reliable and very punctual, but his past students, said his goal to" find happiness and partner "(of course, of the same sex), and that he "often on the Internet to find sexual partners."ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Globe and Mail article that he has a dual character: like watching a horror movie's Facebook ID is the "bad guy Justin, his English name Justin Rain 'this vampire legend - the name of the city bit-part player in Twilight his name in Montreal public use, there are several, including the French name "Patrick" and the English name "Justin". The psychologist said he was "extremely low self-esteem and intertwined self-esteem, but also quite narcissistic, but seems to be aware of the risks, Valentine's Day last year, microblogging, he replaced the head, a deformation from your own photos, out teeth, mouth and purple hair in light the terrorist gray head, the title is "I", and last month he made an empty Montreal subway cars photo, the title is "killing the midnight train, do not want to be a prophecy. Personal photos of his hair almost all alone.ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
In Canada, almost no one suspected Jiun and suspect there is a "special bond" in Canada, homosexual relationships are not what people can not see, British Columbia and other provinces, has been the legalization of same-sex marriage. But in China, the legalization of homosexuality is still there is a huge social controversy, perhaps because of the Chiun of the Chinese family and friends, so, very few information, almost all categorically denied any special connection between the two.
ikaRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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