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刘翔110米栏最新世界排名升至第一 罗伯斯第三(图)


Liu Xiang's 110 meters hurdles the latest world ranking rose to the first Roberts


zsmRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

北京时间6月7日,《全田径》网站更新了最新一期田径各个项目的选手世界排名,在男子110米栏排名里,中国选手刘翔凭借钻石联赛尤金站的冠军,在本期排名里以1405分排在了该项目第一位!这是刘翔自07年10月1日跌出榜首位置之后,历时4年8个月重返榜首,这也是刘翔第54周登上男子110米栏单项榜首!zsmRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

本次排名计算日期从5月29日到6月5日,正好计入钻石联赛罗马站和尤金站的两站赛事,刘翔在尤金站略超风速的情况下跑出了12秒87的惊人夺冠成绩,这让其他竞争者相形见绌。而刘本周积分也从1385分猛增到1405分,超越了此前排在第一位的理查德森,顺理成章重登王位!而在田径总排名上,刘翔也从上回统计的第9位一下冲到第5高位(刘翔在总排名上的历史最高位置是第2位)。zsmRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

理查德森虽然在尤金站也取得了第三名不错的成绩,但按照《全田径》的独门算法,理查德森排第一时的成绩是取自他个人一年内五个最好成绩(超过五场取时间近的、赛事重要的),是来自世界锦标赛和以前四站钻石联赛。尤金站跑了第三,正好取代掉去年8月份钻石联赛伦敦站第二,造成他积分反而下跌,从1392分跌到1389分排第二。zsmRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

排三到五位分别是古巴选手罗伯斯(1380分)、美国选手梅里特(1358分)、美国选手奥利弗(1344分)。91年出生的古巴“妖人”奥尔特加目前排在第13位,而史冬鹏已经跌出前十,目前排在第17位,江帆(微博)第20位,谢文骏则排在第53位,纪伟第60位。zsmRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

在单项排行榜列第一的中国选手非刘翔一人,在世界杯男子20公里竞走比赛中拿下冠军的王镇继续以1332分列在男子竞走项的第一名,这是91年的王镇第23周排在第一位。zsmRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

不过风头最足的当属牙买加短跑巨星博尔特,凭借在罗马站的出色发挥,博尔特本次积分从1369分爆涨到1401分,和约翰-布雷克并列排在男子100米项第一。而在总排名榜上,博尔特以1448分(200米成绩也计入)排在了第一位,布雷克则以1439分列第二。亚洲选手里排名最高的自然是第五位的刘翔,王镇在亚洲选手里列第二,总排名为第33位。zsmRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

女子方面,美国短跑名将杰特尔以1418分排在总排名第一,亚洲选手里排名最高的是哈萨克斯坦三级跳远名将雷帕科娃,她以1331分排在第35位,中国选手排名最高的是竞走选手刘虹和铁饼选手李艳凤(微博),两人同以1299分排在并列第78名.zsmRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Beijing June 7, track and field "site updated a track and field each project players world rankings in the men's 110 meters hurdles rankings where China's Liu Xiang champion by virtue of Diamond leagues Eugene Station, where in the current rankings 1405 points came in the first! This is Liu Xiang dropped out of top spot after October 1, 2007, which lasted 4 years and 8 months return to the list, this is also Liu Xiang, 54 weeks on the men's 110 meters hurdles single top!zsmRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
zsmRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
This ranking calculation date from May 29 to June 5, just two races included in the Diamond League Roma Station and Eugene Station, Liu Xiang ran in the Eugene station is a little more than wind speed for 12 seconds and 87 amazing winning score, which makes the other competitors dwarfs. Liu week points also soared from 1385 points to 1405 points, surpassing the previously ranked first in Richardson, a matter of course to the throne! In track and field rankings, Liu Xiang from nine of the last time statistics look washed five high (Liu Xiang, the highest position in the overall ranking on the first two).zsmRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
zsmRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Richardson Although the Eugene station has also made the third good results, but in accordance with the "Track & Field" of the unique algorithm, Richardson ranked first results from the five best results of his own within one year (more than five games to take time to close, important events), from the World Championships and the Diamond League of the previous four races. Eugene station run third, just replace out in August last year, Diamond League London station, resulting in level on points but fell, fell from 1392 points to 1389 points ranked second.zsmRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
zsmRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The row of three to five Cuban players Roberts (1380), U.S. players Merritt (1358), the U.S. player, Oliver (1344). Born in Cuba in 1991, "sorcerer" Ortega is currently ranked 13, while Shi Dongpeng has dropped out of the top ten, ranked 17, 20 Fan (microblogging), Xie Wenjun ranked in the first 53 Wei Ji Section 60.zsmRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
zsmRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Charts in a single column of the first Chinese players Liu Xiang, a king of the town to win the championship in the World Cup men's 20 km Race Walking continue to 1332 points listed in the first place Male Race, which is 91 years, Wang Zhen 23 weeks ranked first.zsmRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
zsmRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
But prominent among the foot was undoubtedly the Jamaican sprint star Usain Bolt, by virtue of the excellent performance of the station in Rome, Bolt the points from 1369 points soared to 1401 points and John - Blake tied in Men's 100 meters a. In the overall ranking list, Bolt 1448 (200 m results are also included) came in first, Blake while 1439 points out. Asian players the highest ranked natural fifth Liu Xiang, Wang Zhen, the second in the Asian players, the overall ranking of 33.zsmRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
zsmRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The women's side, U.S. sprinter Jeter with 1418 points at the overall ranking, the highest ranked Asian players rapamycin Nemcova, Kazakhstan triple jump champion, to 1331 points in 35 Chinese players ranked is Race contestant Liu Hong and discus thrower Li Yanfeng (microblogging), both with 1299 points ranked tied for 78
zsmRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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