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Secret of the world's largest luxury goods empire


LVMH——这个奢侈品行业的巨头囊括了很多大家耳熟能详的品牌,比如酩悦香槟、路易威登、纪梵希、娇兰、以及迪奥等一线奢侈产品。如何管理好这么一个庞大的集团?如何在充满风险的市场竞争中步步为营?如何不断扩张自己的集团版图?CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

LVMHCssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

酩悦·轩尼诗-路易·威登集团CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

充满诱惑的奢侈品帝国CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

那么这个世界上最大的奢侈品集团将会有怎样的后续动作呢?CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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法国制作精美奢侈品的传统至少可以追溯到路易十四在位的时候。这个被人称作「太阳王」的法国皇帝出钱养活了一批家具工、椅套工、木工等手艺匠人,专门为他的凡尔赛宫打造一些基本上是华而不实的物品。如此看来,伯纳德·阿诺特(Bernard Arnault)可能就是这位先帝的继承人。CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

阿诺特是目前世界上最大的奢侈品集团「酩悦•轩尼诗-路易•威登集团」(Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton—LVMH)的主席兼首席执行官,并且掌握着能够控制整个集团的股份。在过去的25年里,他将一个小型濒临倒闭的服装厂变成了一个拥有超过60个奢侈品牌的企业集团。瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)预计LVMH今年所有品牌的联合销售额将达到270亿欧元(约合330亿美元)。而其2011年净赚35亿欧元,市值也“砰的一下”窜到了620亿欧元的水平。所以,和其他奢侈品集团相比,LVMH的盈利要更多一些。CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

而LVMH内部的一位工作人员则更是自豪地说,“LVMH就像是一个「小德国」一样。”所以和德国的中小型企业(Mittelstand)类似的是,LVMH集团同样因工艺和品质在业界有了一定的地位,而人们也愿意为它的产品多掏一些钱。但不同的地方是,德国的中小型企业生产的机床和修面刷之类的产品看起来并不性感,反之LVMH旗下的香槟、手袋和其他配饰却令人欲罢不能。(见图表)CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

从路易十四到路易威登CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

LVMH和德国的中小型企业还有一个相同点就是,LVMH在海外市场机遇把握方面同样显得精力充沛。经过数年艰难的市场营销,LVMH已经成功俘获了大部分亚洲新中产阶级人士的心。而这些人也认为LVMH的产品可以让他们像欧洲的绅士淑女一般风度翩翩、仪态万千。LVMH2011年在亚洲的销售额(除去日本)占其全年销售额的27%,而2001年这个数字仅为17%。10年前,LVMH的产品在日本的销售额仅为15%,但现在有85%的日本妇女都拥有一件路易威登的单品,真是令人吃惊。不过要让LVMH的产品遍布市场,但同时还要保持它高贵奢华的气质,这就需要的是一种世间罕有的才能了。CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

LVMH和德国的中小型企业最后一个相似的地方就是,LVMH集团同样是由大量的家族企业构成的。不过区别在于,现在组成LVMH的那些企业已经被一个「饥肠辘辘」的产业集团彻底吞并了。CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

有些人并不会否认这样的说法。去年,LVMH集团以43亿欧元的价格成功收购了意大利珠宝商——宝格丽(Bulgari)。而宝格丽家族当然愿意接受这样一大笔钱。因为自从雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)2008年倒闭以后,宝格丽的生意就开始变得艰难重重,所以他们认为阿诺特对自己家族品牌的复兴来说肯定是一位好的「甜爸爸」。CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

除此之外,阿诺特暗地里也在努力「使坏」,为的就是让LVMH能在业界获得更好的发展。爱马仕(Hermès)家族惊恐地发现,阿诺特正悄悄接近着他们生产“奢华箱包和丝巾”的公司。而来自LVMH的这位「幕后黑手」之前秘密购进了爱马仕的股份。但直到2010年,等爱马仕(Hermès)幡然醒悟的时候,他们发现LVMH已经拥有了公司17%的份额。帕特里克·托马斯(Patrick Thomas),这位爱马仕的首席执行官,把阿诺特这样恶意的行为比喻成“一位美丽的妇女遭到了强暴”(不过这种想法在奢侈品行业显得有些不必要)。托马斯请求阿诺特将他持有的爱马仕股份减少到10%,以证明其对友好态度。但此举终是徒劳无果。现在LVMH拥有爱马仕(Hermès)22.3%的股权。CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

爱马仕(Hermès)家族已经手忙脚乱地开始保护自己的帝国了。现在由家族控股的另一家独立的公司掌握了爱马仕50.2%的股份,而5月29日,爱马仕对外宣布,家族成员阿克塞尔•杜马斯(Axel Dumas)将在2013年之后继任托马斯(非爱马仕家族成员),成为爱马仕帝国的新任首席执行官。同时家族成员也提议出台一项新的规定,要求那些股权超过0.5%的持有人必须进入公司股东名单。这样爱马仕家族就可以远远地观望着那些有着「恶意收购」心思的人的一举一动了。CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

奢侈品装点的艺术CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

阿诺特LVMH帝国的创建过程也产生了规模经济的效应。根据波士顿咨询公司(Boston Consulting Group)出具的一份研究显示,一个零售品牌每次规模扩张一倍,它就可以节省约30%的商业费用(广告、房租、雇员等费用)。但汇丰银行(HSBC)的Erwan Rambourg称,这并非阿诺特不断收购其他品牌的原因。而这一切都因为他被自己内心的一种信念驱使着。他认为自己能够掌控任何一流的奢侈品牌,并且能够将它们做大做好,维持健康的商业利润。到目前为止,阿诺特的记录是非常棒的。CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

举例来说,当阿诺特1984年收购克里斯亭迪奥(Christian Dior)的时候,这家法国时尚公司当时的情况有点糟糕。迪奥的创始人将他的名字授权给一大批公司使用,而这些公司则把他的名字随便印在了从太阳镜到睡袍的各种产品身上。因此,「迪奥」这个牌子变得越来越廉价。阿诺特接手以后,他花了有10年多的时间,从各大公司买回了350个品牌授权。而他因为聘请了一位才华横溢的设计师约翰·加利亚诺(John Galliano),克里斯亭迪奥(Christian Dior)才能够重获生机。尽管加利亚诺之后变得声名狼藉,但现在迪奥重新走上了健康发展的轨道,而且有钱可赚。CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

但有时候阿诺特也为自己的成功付出了很高昂的代价。化妆品零售商丝芙兰(Sephora)和免税店DFS在LVMH一接手的时候就几乎开始赔钱了(1996-1997年)。而时尚品牌思琳(Céline)几年来就根本没有盈利,同样的情况还发生在另一家品牌高田贤三(Kenzo)身上。CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

阿诺特花了好几年的时间来修补这些破烂的生意,期间也有过几次错误的尝试。在早期的时候,丝芙兰(Sephora)的店铺显得太大了,看起来就像是一座超级市场一样,而这也让消费者产生了错误的观念。2003年,阿诺特任用了前史泰博(Staples)(一家办公用品供货商)的经理雅克·利维(Jacques Lévy)为丝芙兰欧洲市场的首席执行官。首先,利维缩小了丝芙兰的商店规模,并增加了美甲吧和美发沙龙,而且还引进了一系列自有品牌的乳液和爽肤水。现在丝芙兰的盈利可观,DFS也一样。虽然LVMH并没有提供任何品牌盈亏状况的官方数据,但是据分析人士称,LVMH旗下赔钱的品牌不超过5个。CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

尽管他不愿意承认,阿诺特大肆吞并新品牌的做法是另有原因的,即LVMH,阿诺特的时尚帝国正过度地依赖于一个单一品牌,而这样的情况是很危险的。路易威登(Louis Vuittton),一个生产印有「花押字」图案箱包和腰带的奢侈品牌,囊括了LVMH集团37%的销售额,而且集团的利润也大部分是由路易威登提供的。CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

在贾世杰(Yves Carcelle——LV全球主席兼执行总裁,自1990年开始执掌路易威登)和马克·雅可布(Marc Jacobs——自1997年起担任LV创意总监兼首席设计师一职)两人的悉心配合下,路易威登一直都赚得是「盆满钵满」。路易威登买来上等的皮革,并把它们做成各式完美无瑕的产品,再通过市场驾轻就熟地推销出去。因此,为了不降低路易威登的尊贵程度,所有的产品从来没有打折出售过。路易威登以难以置信的速度增长着,然而从某方面来讲,它应该放慢脚步了。CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

在今年的第一季度中,LVMH「时尚皮具部门」(由路易威登和类似Fendi这样的小品牌组成)在美国的销售额增长了18%,而在欧洲和亚洲分别提高了12%和10%。虽然这样的数字可能让人听起来觉得很悦耳,但是投资者们却更习惯于听到亚洲市场增长幅度大的好消息。就在这个报告公布的当天,LVMH的股价出现了跌幅。CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

然而LVMH的内部人士称,他们对此并不担心。尽管股价有所下跌,但之前预计会惨败的生意却增长了25%的销售额,达到了66亿欧元,这样的结果对整个集团来说都是非常不错的。中国的消费者们并没有失去对路易威登手袋的青睐,他们只是趁着在法国度假的间歇,去购买那些几乎半价的路易威登产品。而且即使中国市场的增长速度慢了下来,也还有印度和印尼这两个国家。在那里,手袋购买风潮才刚刚开始。CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

尽管事实如此,但是一些消费者可能已经对遍布大街的「花押字」图案感到厌烦了。(在日本,一个LV的手袋几乎无法让你看起来与众不同。)因此路易威登已经将它的视线从「花押字」上面转移到了其他地方,而现在仅有1/4路易威登的产品还绘有其经典图纹。作为电影导演的索菲亚·科波拉(Sofia Coppola),已经为路易威登设计了一系列纯色的手袋和皮包。CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

箱包的魅力已经荡然无存了吗?CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

还有,人们在路易威登身上已经看到了成熟的痕迹,这正是它所畏惧的,就好比顾客们都害怕变老一样。贾世杰(Yves Carcelle)今年年底就要离开路易威登了。一位前奢侈品公司的执行官回忆道,以前路易威登的老总们经常说“从我们发布香水产品的那一天开始,我们的业绩就再也无法增长了”。这个想法(拥有自己的香水产品)从过去到现在搁置了好长时间,现在路易威登准备上市自己的品牌香水了。CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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钱箱子CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

几乎很少有人会质疑阿诺特想要扩张的野心。如今的LVMH集团,是业内人士俗称的「软奢侈品(包括皮质配饰,香槟和干邑白兰地)」界的佼佼者,而阿诺特同样想要成为「硬奢侈品(包括手表和珠宝)」行业的老大,这也是他肯斥巨资收购宝格丽(Bulgari)的原因。目前世界上的知名珠宝商并不是很多,而且几乎没有哪家愿意出让自己的股份。尽管如此,一些分析人士对此仍存有疑问。就像一位来自Cheuvreux股票交易所的经纪人Luca Solca所争论的那样,LVMH需要巩固的是其手表产业,但是宝格丽的优势却在戒指和项链等珠宝上面。CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

下一步该如何走,方向着实有些难以把握。LVMH将不会放过任何一个可以“染指”爱马仕(Hermès)股份的机会。虽然爱马仕家族的戒备之心看起来很强,但是阿诺特肯定不会就此轻易放弃。爱马仕是一个很棒的品牌,而阿诺特也相信自己能够把它做得更大更好。除此之外,他担心爱马仕被历峰集团(Richemont)先发制人一举拿下,而如果真的不幸如此,这个来自瑞士的奢侈品集团将变成LVMH的一个劲敌。CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

现年63岁的阿诺特育有5个孩子,而其中两个已经开始为他的集团工作了。他的女儿德尔菲娜(Delphine)正帮助父亲打理迪奥(Christian Dior)的业务;而他的儿子安托万(Antoine)则负责意大利皮鞋品牌贝鲁提(Berluti)的运营。他们之中的一人有一天可能将代替父亲掌管LVMH,但是阿诺特如此「个性十足」的经营之道,对他们来说将难以效仿。CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Of LVMH - the luxury industry giants include a lot of familiar brands such as Moet & Chandon champagne, Louis Vuitton, Givenchy, Guerlain, and Dior line of luxury products. How to manage such a large group? How risky competition in the market step by step for the business? How the ever-expanding group territory?CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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LVMHCssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Moet Hennessy - Louis Vuitton GroupCssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Filled with the temptation of luxury goods empireCssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The world's largest luxury goods group will be what kind of follow-up action?CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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French tradition of making fine luxury can be traced back at least to the time of Louis XIV reign. This has been called the "Sun King" Emperor of the French money to support the work of furniture, coverings and workers, carpenters and other craftsmen craftsmen dedicated to his Palace of Versailles to build is basically a flashy items. It seems that Bernard Arnault, Bernard Arnault, is probably the late emperor's heir.CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Arnault is the world's largest luxury goods group Moet • Hennessy - Louis Vuitton Group "(the Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton-LVMH) Chairman and CEO, and hold to control the whole group shares . In the past 25 years, he will be a small verge of closure of garment factories turned into an enterprise group with over 60 luxury brands. Credit Suisse (Credit Suisse), the joint sales of LVMH all brands this year is expected to reach 27 billion euros (about $ 33 billion). Its 2011 net profit of € 3.5 billion market value and "bang" went to the level of 62 billion euros. And other luxury goods group LVMH profit some more.CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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LVMH within a staff is even more proud to say, "LVMH is like a" small Germany ". "So similar to the small and medium-sized enterprises (The Mittelstand ') and Germany, the LVMH group is also a certain position in the industry due to technology and quality, and people are willing to pay an extra some money for its products, but in different places, Germany SMEs in the production of machine tools and shaving brushes and the like product does not look sexy, contrary LVMH's champagne, handbags and other accessories, but is unable to stop (see chart)CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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From Louis XIV to Louis VuittonCssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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LVMH and German small and medium-sized enterprises have an identical point LVMH grasp in the overseas market opportunities, the same is energetic. After several years of difficult marketing LVMH has successfully captured the hearts of most of the new Asian middle class. These people also believe that LVMH products so that they like the European ladies and gentlemen generally quiet demeanor, deportment thousands. LVMH2011 annual sales in Asia (excluding Japan) accounted for sales of 27%, while in 2001 this figure was only 17%. LVMH products 10 years ago, only 15% of sales in Japan, but now 85% of Japanese women have a single Louis Vuitton products is really surprising. But let LVMH products throughout the market, but at the same time maintaining its noble and luxurious temperament, which requires a rare earth can a.CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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LVMH and small and medium enterprises in Germany last a similar place, LVMH Group, is also a lot of family business constitutes. However, the difference is that now form the industrial group of LVMH's companies have a "hungry" to complete the annexation.CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Some people will not deny that such an argument. Last year, LVMH Group, the price of € 4.3 billion successful acquisition of the Italian jeweler - Bvlgari (Bulgari '). The Bulgari family, of course, willing to accept such a large sum of money. Since after the collapse of Lehman Brothers (Lehman Brothers) 2008, Bvlgari business started to become hard and heavy, so they think the Arnot revival of their own family brand is certainly a good "sweet and Dad . "CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Arnot secretly also trying to "hurt", is to allow LVMH to better development in the industry. Hermès (Hermès) family is horrified to discover that Arnault is quietly close to the company they produce luxury bags and scarves. From LVMH, the "behind." Before the secret purchase of the shares of Hermes. But it was not until 2010, and other Hermès (Hermès) came to their senses when they found that LVMH already has a 17% share. Patrick Thomas, Patrick Thomas, CEO of Hermes, Arnott such malicious behavior likened to "a beautiful woman was raped" (However, this idea seemed to be somewhat in the luxury goods industry necessary). Thomas request Arnot Hermes shares held by him reduced to 10% in order to prove their friendly attitude. But this end is fruitless. LVMH owns 22.3% stake in Hermes (Hermès).CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Hermès (Hermès) family have been scrambling to protect their Empire. Mastered by another family-controlled company a 50.2 percent stake in Hermes, May 29, Hermes announced, family members Axel Dumas (Axel Dumas,) in 2013 After his successor Thomas (non-Hermes family members), to become the new CEO of Hermes empire. Family members also suggested the introduction of a new requirement that more than 0.5% of the equity holders must enter the list of shareholders of the Company. Hermes family can be far watching every move of the person who has a "hostile takeover" mind.CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The art of luxury decoratedCssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Arnault LVMH empire, the creation of economies of scale. According to a study issued by the Boston Consulting (Boston Consulting Group), a retail brand each scale expansion doubled, it can save about 30% of the cost of doing business (advertising, rent, employees and other costs). HSBC Bank (HSBC), said Erwan Rambourg, this is not the Arnot continue to the reasons for the acquisition of other brands. All this because he was driven by a belief of their own inner. He thought he could control any first-class luxury brands, and bigger and they do a good job, maintain a healthy business profits. So far, Arnott's record is great.CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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For example, when Arnault acquired in 1984 Chris Pavilion Dior (Christian Dior), the French fashion company was a bit worse. Dior founder His name was licensed to a large number of companies use these companies to put his name lightly printed in a variety of products from sunglasses to robe body. Therefore, the "Dior" brand has become more and more cheap. Arnott took over, he spent 10 years time, from major companies to buy back 350 brand licensing. And he hired a talented designer John Galliano John Galliano 'Chris Pavilion Dior (Christian Dior) to be able to regain vitality. Galliano become notorious, but now Dior back on the track of healthy development, and make money.CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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But sometimes Arnott also pay for their own success very high price. The cosmetics retailer Sephora (Sephora) and duty-free DFS to LVMH took over almost began to lose money (1996-1997). Fashion brands Celine (Céline) for several years, there is no profit, the same situation also occurs in the body of another brand Kenzo (Kenzo).CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Arnot spent several years to repair the broken business, the period also had a few wrong attempts. In the early days, shop Sephora (Sephora) too big, looks like a supermarket, which also allow consumers to have the misconception. 2003, Arnott and appointing former Staples (Staples,) (an office supply manager of the supplier), Jacques Levy (Jacques Lévy), the CEO of Sephora Europe. First, Levy narrowing the size of Sephora's stores, and increased nail and hair salon, but also introduced a series of its own brand of lotions and skin toner. Sephora profitability is impressive, the DFS is the same. Although LVMH official data does not provide profit and loss situation of any brand, but according to analysts, LVMH's money-losing brand of not more than five.CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Although he did not want to admit, the Arnot big annexation of new brand is another reason, namely, LVMH, Arnault's fashion empire is over-dependent on a single brand, but this situation is very dangerous. Louis Vuitton (Louis Vuittton), a production printed monogram pattern of the luxury brand of bags and belts, and include 37% sales of LVMH Group, and also most of the Group's profit from Louis Vuitton's.CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Jia Shijie (Yves Carcelle - LV global chairman and chief executive since 1990 in charge of Louis Vuitton), and Marc Jacobs (Marc Jacobs - as LV creative director and chief designer since 1997), , Louis Vuitton have been earned people's careful with the "pours". Louis Vuitton bought the finest leather, and they made all kinds of perfect product, then deftly through the market to sell out. Therefore, in order not to reduce the distinguished Louis Vuitton, all of our products has never sell at a discount. Louis Vuitton is growing at incredible speeds, certain terms, however, it should slow down the pace.CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In the first quarter of this year, LVMH fashion leather goods sector "(composed by Louis Vuitton and Fendi so small brands) 18% increase in sales in the United States, in Europe and Asia were increased by 12 percent and 10 %. Although such figures may to sound very pleasant, but investors are more used to hearing the Good News of the Asian market growth rate. In this report was published the same day, the LVMH share prices decline.CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
However, the LVMH insiders said they were not worried about. Although the stock price fell, but before the expected defeat of the business has grown 25% in sales to € 6.6 billion, such a result for the whole group are very good. Chinese consumers have not lost the favor of Louis Vuitton handbags, they are just taking advantage of the intermittent holiday in France, to buy almost half the Louis Vuitton products. And even the Chinese market, the growth rate slow down, there are two countries, India and Indonesia. Where the handbag purchase trend has just begun.CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Despite this fact, but some consumers may have been right across the street "monogram word" pattern was tired. (In Japan, a LV handbag is almost impossible to make you look different.) Louis Vuitton line of sight from the top of the "monogram" transferred to other places, but now only 1/4 Louis Vuitton The products are also painted with the classic pattern. As a film director Sofia Coppola and Sofia Coppola for Louis Vuitton to design a series of solid-colored handbags and purses.CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Bags of charm is gone?CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Also, the people at Louis Vuitton, who have seen traces of mature, this is it fear, like the customers are afraid to grow old. Jia Shijie (Yves Carcelle) will leave at the end of this year, Louis Vuitton. A luxury goods company executive recalled, Louis Vuitton executives often say "the day we release the perfume products, our performance will no longer not grow". The idea (to have their own fragrance products shelved for a long time) from the past to the present, Louis Vuitton listed their own brand of perfume.CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Money boxCssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Very few people will be questioned the Arnot want ambitions. Today, LVMH Group, industry insiders called "soft luxury goods (including leather accessories, champagne and cognac) industry leader, the Arnot same want to be" hard luxury (including watches and jewelry) industry leader he is willing to spending huge sums to acquire Bulgari (Bulgari) reason. The world renowned jeweler, not a lot, and almost none are willing to sell their own shares. Still, some analysts are still in doubt. As a from Cheuvreux stock exchange, brokers Luca Solca debate, LVMH need to consolidate its watch industry, but the the Bulgari advantage but above the rings and necklaces and other jewelry.CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The next step to take, the direction of some really difficult to grasp. LVMH will not miss the opportunity of a "meddle" Hermès (Hermès) shares. Although the alert heart of the Hermes family looks very strong, and the Arnot certainly not going to give up. Hermes is a great brand, Arnott also believe that they can to do it bigger and better. In addition, he worried that Hermes was the Richemont Group (Richemont) pre-emptive winning, and if really unfortunate, the Swiss luxury goods group, will become a rival of LVMH.CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
CssRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
63-year-old Arnott has five children, two of which has already begun for his group to work. His daughter, Delphine (Delphine), is helping his father to take care of the business of Dior (Christian Dior); and his son Antoine (Antoine) is responsible for the operations of the Italian shoe brand Beilu Ti (Berluti). One of them might one day will replace the father in charge of LVMH, but Arnott is so full of personality "of business management, it will be difficult for them to emulate.
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