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刘德华低调为女儿庆满月 送亲友姜醋分享喜悦(图)


Andy is a low profile for her daughter to celebrate the full moon to send friends


MSvRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据台媒报道,刘德华太太朱丽倩上月9日剖腹产下“小龙女”,他至今依然低调不公开女儿照片或脚印照,也不摆满月酒,但上周开始依香港习俗分送姜醋给亲朋好友分享当爸的喜悦,因夫妻俩是虔诚佛教徒,还特别订制斋姜醋代替猪脚姜醋,为宝贝女儿积福。MSvRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

华仔升格当爸近1个月,不少朋友都建议50岁的他摆请满月酒或百日宴,不过个性低调的华仔仍选择不办任何庆祝会,因为他始终担心女儿太小,又不想众人看过女儿后,会在网络上曝光宝贝女儿照片。MSvRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
MSvRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
MSvRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

虽然没庆祝仪式,但华仔仍按照习俗请公司订购姜醋产品,但他不要传统的荤食猪脚姜醋,因他和朱丽倩笃信佛教,所以特别找素食店制作姜醋素食品,只有番薯、面筋、鸡蛋、姜和甜醋。近来已有不少朋友收到斋姜醋,但想见到“小龙女”的友人仍得到华仔家才能看到,但华仔谨慎筛选,目前仅有少数好友获邀到家里。MSvRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

为照顾妻女,身为工作狂的华仔也向公司要求10天“产假”,原本杜琪峰执导的《盲探》需要补拍戏,但因搭档郑秀文(微博)挂病号不宜开工,让华仔赚到不少假期,近来几乎天天在家陪伴女儿,谢绝应酬,他也为朱丽倩请了陪坐月子的保母,但她仍亲力亲为,更为女儿健康着想选择喂母奶。华仔至今不公开任何女儿照片和脚印照,在女儿出生后6天才在官网透露会做个好爸爸好丈夫,更在家用心学习如何替女儿换尿片、洗澡,每当见到女儿对他笑时,就觉得好享受。MSvRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

According to Taiwan media reports, Andy Lau, Michelle Yeoh of his wife last month on the 9th caesarean section under the "Maid", he has still a low-key private daughter photos or footprints according to, nor filled with wine month, but last week according to the Hong Kong customs distributed Vinegar to friendsfriends share the joy as a father, because the couple are devout Buddhists, also ordered the vegetarian ginger vinegar instead the pig Jiangcu plot for the baby daughter a blessing.

Andy upgraded when the father nearly a month, many of my friends have suggested that the age of 50 he put the full moon of wine or a hundred days feast, but low-key personality Andy still choose not to do any celebration because he was always worried that her daughter is too small, also not everyone seen the daughter, the exposure of a baby daughter photo on the network.

China Sao adhere to breast feed

Although no ceremony, but Andy is still in accordance with the customs please the company Order Jiangcu products, but he is not a traditional meaty dishes pig Jiangcu, because he and Michelle Yeoh, a devout Buddhist vegetarian restaurant, it is particularly looking for producing Jiangcu vegetarian food, only the sweet potato , gluten, eggs, ginger and sweet vinegar. Recently received fasting Vinegar has many of my friends, but want to see the "Maid" friends still get to see Andy home, but Andy careful screening, only a small number of friends invited to the house.

To take care of his wife and daughter, Andy being a workaholic to the company requires 10 days 'maternity leave', originally Johnnie To's "blind" need to make up the filming, but the partner Sammi Cheng (microblogging), hang the sick should not be started Andy earned a lot of holidays, recently almost every day to his daughter, declined to entertain at home, he for Michelle Yeoh also invited to accompany confinement nanny, but her hands still more daughters health reasons to choose to breast feed. Andy still does not disclose any daughter photos and footprints according to her daughter was born six days revealed in the official website will be a good father a good husband, and more hard to learn how to give your daughter changing diapers, bathing at home, every time to see his daughter laugh when you feel good to enjoy.
MSvRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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