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3D printer to break the number of people their jobs?


据经济研究和咨询公司报告,2010年中国制造业在全球制造业总值中的占比为19.8%,超过了美国的19.4%。中国已有煤炭、钢铁、水泥、汽车、纺织服装等220多种工业产品产量居世界首位。现在的问题是,中国能不能保持这样的世界地位?从总量上来说,欧美制造业已少之又少,不可能再移到中国来,从劳动力供应、成本和环境成本角度上说,中国制造成本已比周边的发展中国家高,之所以还有很多产品仍在中国制造,那是因为中国有积累了30年的电子产品生产经验,工厂形成了产业网,具备高度发展的供应链,多元化设计及工程技术,娴熟的生产工艺,以及迅速投入规模化生产的意愿。简言之,中国能提供成功的工业产业群。PcJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

有个典型案例可作注脚:苹果公司新开发的iPhone在离上市只有几周的时候,屏幕改了设计,中国装配线立马彻底改造。午夜时分,新屏幕运到工厂,领班半夜叫醒了8000名工人,啃口饼干喝口水,不到半小时就开始工作,轮班12小时,把新玻璃屏幕安装到手机上。PcJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

可好日子总是短暂的,由于高涨的失业率压力,欧美都不同程度地提出了振兴制造业的计划,除了政府推动之外,正在到来的第三次工业革命也就是工业数字化革命必将深刻影响世界制造业版图的分布。 3D打印机就是个直观的代表,其工作原理为:使用一束紫外线凝固一层薄薄的液态塑胶(有点儿像墨水),并不断重复这个过程,一层层增加塑胶,最终打印出一件成品。目前,银子、玻璃等多种材料都能成为打印的“墨水”。原本一次性的样品制作成本很高,但3D打印机可大幅降低成本。现在,已有许多消费品、机械零件、鞋子和建筑模型在进一步开发前,以3D打印形式供工程师、设计师和客户评估效果。任何改动可在几个小时后或一夜之间重新打印出来,而不用花上几周时间等着工厂把新模型制造出来。有设计师已使用塑料和尼龙材料“打印”的鞋和衣服作为T台模特的穿着。在美国,已有公司通过收集会员的各类奇思妙想,打印出小批量的成品销售,如果反响好,再交给工厂大规模制造,这就已走通了产业化道路,也大大降低了创意产品的门槛,使创意更容易变成生意。PcJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

上网打印三维产品,对制造业来说有三大意义:一是加快了产品上市时间,2010年在苹果推出iPad后四天,与之配套的保护套也上市了。二是产品上市的风险系数几乎为零,因为企业家可在扩大生产规模前检验这一创意是否可行并可据买家的反馈迅速做出反应,调整设计方案。三是可生产普通方式无法生产的产品,因为通常这些产品太过于复杂而无法使用机器加工。除了穿的、用的,3D打印机还可以打印吃的,康奈尔大学已成功打印出了杯形蛋糕,科学家们正在利用3D打印机制造诸如皮肤、肌肉和血管片段等简单的活体组织,也许有一天,还能制造出像肾脏、肝脏甚至心脏这样的人体器官。PcJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

3D打印只是“数字化制造”的缩影。随着采用了新材料、全新生产工艺、易操作的机器人,以及在线制造协作服务的普及,制造业小批量生产将变得更加划算,生产组织更加灵活,劳动投入更少。随着直接从事制造行业的人数减少,劳动力成本在整个生产成本中的比例也将随之下降。这将鼓励制造商将一部分制造行业迁回发达国家。上世纪八十年代,底特律人展望以“熄灯式”生产打垮日本竞争者,意思是工厂高度自动化,灯关着,机器人自己在制造汽车。第三次工业革命,将使底特律人的梦想成真。PcJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据此,英国 《经济学家》杂志断言,一些在很久前被新兴市场夺走的生产岗位将重新回到发达国家手中。很清楚,新兴市场的最大的份额,在中国人手中。面对这个势头,我们该如何应对?在这个产业重新洗牌的紧要关头,在每吨钢铁只能赚10块人民币的时点上,一家钢铁厂的获批,哪里值得地方政府官员欣喜若狂?PcJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

According to the report of economic research and consulting firm, the proportion of China's manufacturing industry in the global manufacturing gross in 2010 to 19.8 percent, exceeding the 19.4 percent in the United States. Existing coal, steel, cement, automobile, textile and garment, and so on more than 220 kinds of industrial products in the world. The problem now is that China can maintain this status in the world? From the total, Europe and the United States manufacturing industry has been very little, then move to China, said China's manufacturing costs are higher than neighboring developing countries from the point of view of labor supply, and environmental costs, the reason why there many products are still made in China, because China has accumulated 30 years of experience in electronic product manufacturing, factory formed the industrial network, with highly developed supply chain, the wide range of design and engineering technology, skillful production process, and rapidly put in scale production of wishes. In short, China can provide a successful industrial industry group.PcJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
PcJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
A typical case can be used for footnotes: Apple developed iPhone screen to change the design in only a few weeks away from the market when the Chinese assembly line immediately reinvented. At midnight, the new screen shipped to the factory foreman at midnight wake of the 8000 workers and bite mouth biscuits drink water, less than half an hour to work in shifts 12 hours to install the new glass screen to the phone.PcJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
PcJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Good day is always short, due to the pressure of unemployment in Europe and the United States have varying degrees of proposed plans to revitalize the manufacturing sector, in addition to the Government to promote the third industrial revolution is coming that is industrial digital revolution will profoundly affect the The distribution of the territory of the world's manufacturing. 3D printer is an intuitive representation of its working principle is: a bunch of UV solidification of a thin layer of liquid plastic (a bit like ink), and repeated this process, the layers of plastic, the final print out a finished product . At present, silver, glass and other materials can become a print of "ink". Originally a one-time sample the high production costs, but the 3D printer can significantly reduce costs. Now, there are many consumer goods, machine parts, shoes, and building models before further development of 3D-printed form for engineers, designers and customers to assess the effect. Any changes after a few hours or overnight to re-print it out, without having to spend a few weeks waiting for the factory created a new model. Some designers have used plastic and nylon materials, "Print" shoes and clothes as the models wearing the T station. In the United States, the company has been through the collection of members of the various types of whimsy, print small quantities of finished product sales, if the response is good, and then handed over to the large-scale manufacturing of factory, which has gone through the road of industrialization, but also greatly reduce the the threshold of a creative product, creative and more easy to become a business.PcJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
PcJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Internet to print three-dimensional products, the manufacturing sector, there are three: First, to accelerate time to market in 2010, four days after Apple iPad, also listed in the accompanying protective sleeve. Products to market risk coefficient is almost zero, to test whether this creative entrepreneurs can expand the production scale and can respond quickly, according to the buyer's feedback, adjust the design. The third is to produce products in the normal way, because usually these products are too complicated and can not use the machine processing. In addition to wear, use, 3D printers can also print to eat, Cornell University has been successfully print out the cupcakes, scientists are using 3D printers to manufacture simple living tissue such as skin, muscle, and vascular clips, there may be day, but also to create human organs such as kidney, liver and even heart.PcJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
PcJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
3D printing only "digital manufacturing" in miniature. With the introduction of new materials, new production technology, easy to operate robots, as well as the popularity of online manufacturing collaboration service, manufacturing small batch production will become more cost-effective, more flexible organization of production, labor input less. With the direct number of people engaged in the manufacturing industry to reduce the proportion of labor costs in the production costs will decrease. This will encourage manufacturers to move back to the developed countries will be part of the manufacturing industry. In the eighties of the last century, Detroit Prospects defeated Japanese competitor "lights out" production, which means the factory highly automated, the light is off, the robot own in the manufacture of cars. The third industrial revolution, will make Detroit's dream come true.PcJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
PcJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Accordingly, the assertion of British "Economist" magazine, a number of production jobs taken away a long time ago, emerging markets will return to the developed countries. It is clear that the largest share of the emerging markets in the hands of the Chinese people. Faced with this trend, how do we respond? Critical juncture in the industry to reshuffle the cards, per ton of steel they can only make 10 yuan point in time, granted to a steel plant, where worthy of local government officials ecstatic?
PcJRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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