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foreign in the South China Sea Is not he the number of times the first shot


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4月14日20时,中国国被菲律宾军舰在黄岩岛泻湖内袭扰的12艘渔船中,已有一艘“琼·琼海09099船”安全回到海南省琼海市潭门港,船员们身体状况良好。nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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原题:在赤瓜礁感受越南威胁在黄岩岛目睹中菲对抗 nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

随中国执法船巡航南海nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

船划开深黛色的海面,犁出一条白色浪线。5月是南海航行的最佳时节,东北风过去了,西南风没有起来,台风也还未及生成,海面轻摇荡漾,波澜不惊。在这黄金般的航海季,海鸟绕桅飞,海豚逐船戏,水色碧少靛多,海天之美远胜画卷。可作为一个关注南海问题的中国人,《环球时报》记者近些天来在西沙、南沙、中沙随着中国公务执法船巡航了一圈,身临现场的所见所闻,却让记者难有心思沉醉美景,更多的倒是感慨、扼腕。nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

外国炮艇渔船频频侵入滋事nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

当下南海最惹人关注的地方是黄岩岛,属于中沙群岛。但事实上,在南沙乃至西沙海域,南海周边的其他一些声索岛礁、海域主权的国家也同样动作不断。nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

在我南沙守备部队驻守的永暑礁上,《环球时报》记者了解到,5月上中旬的20天内,就发现了某国18条船逼近永暑礁活动,无论中方用甚高频无线电喊话还是发信号弹警告,对方都不理不睬、置若罔闻,直到中方出动值班船,它们才悻悻离去。永暑礁是中国大陆在南沙群岛礁堡面积最大、守备力量最强的地方,这里尚且如此,其他海域的情况可以想象更不平静。nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

在随中国政府公务执法船巡航南海的过程中,《环球时报》记者就在海上获悉了两起外国炮艇在中国的传统疆域线内追袭、扣拖我国渔船的事件。前一起,有“中国渔政310”船正在那一带海域执行护渔巡航任务,闻讯火速赶往救援,3艘外国炮艇为其所慑,改变航向放弃追击,结果5条广西渔船安然无恙。后一起尽责勇为的是“中国渔政302”船。当时,一条有9名中国渔民的广西渔船已被5艘另一国家的炮艇包围控制,被拉在1条外国炮艇后正拖向该国的港口。“中国渔政302”船历经9个多小时的追击和斗智斗勇,以1对5,硬是救回了中国渔船。正是靠着中国渔政船的护渔行动,避免了两起事件酿成更大的外交麻烦,没有给正处在紧张中的南海局势再添新乱。nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

西沙群岛全部在中国的掌握和管辖中,但近年来,在越南政府的支持下,大量越南渔船来到西沙海域非法侵渔。它们在这段时间活动更加频繁。这些越南渔船普遍采用炸鱼、电鱼、毒鱼等作业方式,常在西沙捕鱼的中国渔民提及这些异常生气,他们告诉《环球时报》记者,越南渔民只要到西沙来,造渔船有越南政府资助,油钱有补贴,从西沙打了鱼回去还有奖励,要是被中国处罚了则包赔损失。“越南渔民过来侵鱼,几乎不在意怎么处理鱼获,只要拿回去表明是在西沙打捞的就能领到赏钱。即使被中国方面抓住扣船,他们也一点都不在乎,反正回去都由越南政府包赔损失。”永兴岛的一名渔民这样对记者说。这个渔民说,前些天刚放了几个非法侵渔的越南渔民,“中国就是仁义,给他们好吃好住,还请医生给他们检查身体。越南渔民在国内有钱挣,即使被抓人身安全也没问题,因此更有恃无恐!”这名中国渔民很感慨。在浪花礁一带海域,晚上侵渔的越南船往往几十条挨在一起,灯火通明,远看就像一个海上小城市似的。nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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不光是频频闯入中国控制的海域,南海周边国家还在侵占的岛礁周围扩大控制范围,压缩中国渔民的作业空间,而且无所禁忌。“琼琼海03688”的船东王维民将小臂上一处伤痕展示给《环球时报》记者看,那是十几年前他在南沙作业时被越南军人开枪击伤的,与他同船的一名渔民则被打死。现在中国渔民尽量去中国控制的礁盘或无人礁附近作业。王维民告诉记者,近来越南对中国渔船越来越狠,以前中国渔船还可以在越占岛礁外一定距离作业,现在稍靠近,越方就出艇鸣枪驱赶。nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

不久前,王维民在南沙九章群礁海域作业了近两个月。九章群礁是中国控制的礁点和越南侵占的岛礁交错的地方。赤瓜礁就在九章群礁中。1988年,中国军人在这里进行了一场规模很小的海上反击战斗,结果中国大陆才在南沙的7个礁上掌握了控制权。经过赤瓜礁旁,《环球时报》记者情不自禁地对礁堡上飘扬的中国国旗行注目礼。记者看到,赤瓜礁孤处在越占岛礁的包围之中,用肉眼就能看琼礁、鬼喊礁的轮廓,而更远些,还隐约可以看到一线岛岸,用长焦相机的镜头,可以看到那里树木葱茏,房舍俨然。那就是南沙群岛中的第四大岛景宏岛,越南在南沙的第二指挥部所在地。好在赤瓜礁外,有南海舰队的南沙值班护卫舰伴守,威武的舰船让人心安不少。nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

从南沙到中沙的航行途中要经过郑和群礁,中国台湾控制的太平岛就在这组群礁的西北部。记者所在的船贴到离太平岛只有1海里左右的近处,毕竟都是中国人,岛上对我们的船没有什么反应,记者从相机镜头里看到岛上暸望塔上值班人静静地观察着我们这条船。nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

在巡航中,记者观察到,越南礁堡显然都是统一设计的,礁上都有继续建设施工的动静。在草树繁茂的越占岛屿,越方建得就更用心思。“怎么好地方都被别国侵占了”,这是记者在巡航过程中听到最多的感叹。一些礁上的守礁人对记者说,这些年礁上生活条件有了不小的改善,可以打移动电话、上网,电视有很多频道,添置了更好的海水淡化设备,部分装上了太阳能光电板或风力发电设备,但我们的礁堡本身的建设从上世纪90年代建成后并没有太大变化,而越南等国占的岛礁却一年一个样。据称,越南等国是用对口支援政策,一个省负责支持一个岛礁的建设。nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“每一艘中国渔船就是一面五星红旗”nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

在南海,中国渔民们对打破菲越对南沙一些海域的实际控制做出很大贡献。有人说,“每一艘出现在南沙的中国渔船就是一面五星红旗。”49岁的陈奕平到南海打鱼已经快30年了,如今,他是“琼琼海03889”的船东兼船长。今年春节之后,他已经带船第三次出海了:“黄岩岛、礼乐滩,我都去过!”继承祖业,世代在中、东、西、南沙海域“做海”为生的这位海南琼海谭门镇渔民,最近15年来却颇为不顺,他说,最主要的原因就是在海上连遭周边国家施暴,损失惨重。nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

1997年底到1998年,陈奕平人被抓、船被扣,在马尼拉蹲了5个月菲律宾的监狱。当时,他开着他的第一条渔船在黄岩岛附近海域作业,却遭到菲律宾军舰的扣押。陈奕平记得很清楚,在马尼拉,菲律宾人拿出一份英文文件让他签字,说只要签字马上就可以放他回去。“我看不懂上面写的是什么,但心里知道很可能同领海、主权有关系,所以坚决不肯签。”陈奕平回忆起这一段时眼神里立刻闪动出一股硬气。陈奕平说,上一辈的谭门渔民中,有许多人因为坚称自己是在中国海域捕鱼、严词拒绝在承认非法越界捕捞的文件上签字,结果在外国监狱里坐了10多年牢。nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

事实上,南海渔民在祖祖辈辈进行耕海牧渔的海域现在遭受到越来越多的现实威胁。他们许多人都说,能够安全作业的海域和礁盘已经越来越少。陈奕平感慨地说,我们中国是坚决不开第一枪,但这些抢我们岛礁的国家在南海不知道开了多少次第一枪了!nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

在黄岩岛看菲律宾耍花招nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

引爆当下南海焦点的黄岩岛,是中沙群岛的主要礁盘。早在1279年,中国天文学家郭守敬就曾在这里设立过测量点。抵达了黄岩岛海域后,《环球时报》记者从所在的船上望去,岛周围的海面由浅蓝到孔雀绿再到黛青,一些渔船漂在孔雀绿和浅蓝的水面上。虽然名字里有“岛”,黄岩岛实际上只是一个环礁及其包围成的潟湖。潟湖内水浅,看上去呈浅蓝色,里面到处是暗礁,稍大点的船要在里面航行都很难。nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

潟湖外的海面上,2艘中国海监船和2艘渔政船停车漂着,守在潟湖出入口外。不远处有一艘菲律宾海岸警备队的巡逻舰,可以看见有人躲在驾驶楼里偷偷地窥视。一名在这里坚持了20多天的中国水手指着潟湖里一条船说,那是菲律宾的水产资源调查船,靠着吨位小趁机开进潟湖里。而我国的公务船因为大,进不了暗礁密布的潟湖,好在现在中国派来了一条小公务船,也进入潟湖执勤了。中菲双方的船多数时候只是静默地僵持着,但菲律宾时不时会耍点小动作。记者亲眼看到2条菲律宾渔船试图闯入潟湖,中国3条公务船立即排成逐层阻拦的队形粉碎了其图谋。nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

进入6月,南海即将迎来台风季,在台风风道上的黄岩岛很快就将风急浪狂。到时候,所有的船只无疑都会撤走。但风过之后再往黄岩岛去,菲律宾船只需100海里左右航程,而我们的船要走500多海里。在侵占南沙岛礁的过程中,菲律宾曾使过用船坐滩的招数,将1艘报废的大型登陆舰故意搁浅到仁爱礁的礁盘上作为据点。类似的招数菲律宾多年前也试图用在黄岩岛,但中国用坚决的态度和办法迫使菲方放弃了行动。有分析称,菲律宾如今故技重施的可能性在增大。随船的一些中国海上执法人员说,需要早做安排快施对策,否则今后中国船只要进入黄岩岛礁盘会很困难。一名南海渔民担心地对记者说,如果这一次在黄岩岛问题上不能制止菲律宾,那么以后南海周围的一些国家都会变本加厉、更加猖狂。nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

April 14, 20, 12 fishing boats in China's national Philippine warship harassment in the Huangyan Island Lagoon, has been a "Joan Qionghai 09099 ship" security back to Hainan Qionghai City Tanmen Hong Kong, the crew body in good condition.nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The original question: Reef experience witnessed the Sino-Philippine fight against the threat of Vietnam in the Huangyan IslandnrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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With Chinese law enforcement ships cruise the South China SeanrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Ship gash deep Dai-colored sea, plow out of a white wave line. May is the best season of navigation of the South China Sea, northeasterly winds later, the southwesterly wind is not up, the typhoon is not yet generated, sea jiggle waves, placid. In this golden sailing season, seabirds around the mast to fly, dolphins by boat drama, a little indigo color Pitt sky beauty far better than the picture. As a concern of the South China Sea issue, "Global Times" reporter in the Xisha, Nansha, China and Saudi Arabia in recent days with Chinese official law enforcement boat cruise in a circle, and proximity to the scene saw and heard, but let reporters difficult mood to indulge the beauty, the more it touches with emotion, distraught.nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Foreign the gunboat fishing boats frequently invade to cause troublenrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The present South China Sea, the most noteworthy feature of the place is the Huangyan Island, Islands belong to China and Saudi Arabia. But in fact, in Nansha even Xisha waters, South China Sea some other sound cable reefs, the waters of sovereign countries also moves constantly.nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Yongshu Reef in my Nansha garrison stationed on the "Global Times" reporter has learned that 20 days in mid-May, it was found 18 boats in a country approaching Yongshu reef activities, regardless of China VHF radio propaganda or hair flares warning, the other back from the dead, turned a deaf ear, until China dispatched on duty boat, they are only hating her. Yongshu Reef is the Chinese mainland area of ​​reef in the Spratly Islands, the garrison was strongest places here like this, and other waters can imagine more calm.nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In the process of the law enforcement official with the Chinese government ship cruising the South China Sea, "Global Times" reporter learned at sea two foreign gunboats in China's traditional territory line Zhuixi button drag the events of our fishing. Together before, "China 310" boat in that area waters the implementation of fishing protection cruise task, heard the news rushed to the rescue, the three foreign gunboats for its deterrence to change course and abandon the chase, the results of five Guangxi fishing boat safe and sound. Their duties with courage for the boat fishery 302. At that time, a nine fishermen Guangxi fishing boats have been surrounded by five other countries gunboat control, pulled in a foreign gunboat after being dragged to the country's ports. Chinese fishery 302 "ship after more than nine hours of chase and battle of wits, with 1 to 5, he just rescued a Chinese fishing boat. It is relying on the actions of the Chinese fishery administration vessel's fishing protection, to avoid two incidents lead to greater diplomatic trouble, not to the situation in the South China Sea is in a tight adding new chaos.nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Paracel Islands all in the grasp of and jurisdiction, but in recent years in support of the Government of Vietnam, a large number of Vietnamese fishing boats came to the Xisha waters of the illegal invasion and fisheries. During this time activities more frequently. Vietnamese fishing boats generally fish, electric fish, poison fish and other practices, often of Chinese fishermen in Xisha fishing, to mention these exceptions to be angry, they told the Global Times "reporter, Vietnamese fishermen to the Xisha, making fishing boats The Vietnamese government-funded, subsidized oil money to fight the fish back rewards from Xisha, if China has punished you guarantee to pay compensations losses. Vietnamese fishermen over the invasion of the fish, almost do not care about how to handle fish, just take back that will be able to receive donations of salvage in Xisha, even if the Chinese side to seize the arrest of ships, and they do not care, anyway, back by Vietnam loss of government guarantee to pay compensations. "Yongxing Island, a fisherman told this reporter. The fishermen said the other day just to put a number of Vietnamese fishermen in the illegal invasion of fishing, "China is righteousness, give them good good living, but also ask the doctor to give them check-ups. Vietnamese fishermen in the domestic income-generating livelihoods, even if they are caught personal safety issues, and therefore nothing to fear! "Chinese fishermen are feeling. Illegal Fishing at night in the surf reef along the waters, the Vietnamese boat people are often dozens of side by side, brightly lit, seen from afar like a small city at sea like.nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Chinese naval vessels reassuringnrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Not only is frequently break into the Chinese-controlled waters around the reefs surrounding countries in the South China Sea is still occupied to expand the range of control, compression of the Chinese fishermen operating space, but nothing taboo. "Qiong Qionghai 03688", shipowners Wang Weimin arm of a scar to show it to the "Global Times" reporter to see, it is more than a dozen years ago, his operations in Nansha Vietnamese soldiers shot and wounded the same boat with his a fishermen were killed. Chinese fishermen try to Chinese control reefs or no one reef near the job. Wang Weimin told reporters recently Vietnam's increasingly ruthless Chinese fishing boats, Chinese fishing boats in Vietnam accounted for reefs outside a certain distance operations, and now a little close to Vietnam on a boat firing driven.nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Not long ago, Wang Weimin in the waters and reefs of Nansha IX operating for nearly two months. IX reefs staggered Chinese control of the reef points and the Vietnamese occupation of the islands and reefs. Reef IX reefs. In 1988, Chinese soldiers in a small-scale counter-attack battle at sea, the results of the Chinese mainland before the master control over the seven reefs of Nansha. After next to the Reef, "Global Times" reporter could not help the Chinese national flag flying in the reef remarkable ceremony. Reporter saw Red Reef isolated in Vietnam accounted surrounded by islands and reefs, with the naked eye can see Joan Reef, the ghost shouted the contours of the reef, and further afield, but also can vaguely see a ray of island shore, with telephoto The camera lens, you can see where the verdant trees, buildings as if. That is the fourth largest island in the Spratly Islands Jinghong Island, Vietnam in the Spratly Islands, headquarters location. Fortunately, red Reef, the South China Sea Fleet of the Nansha Islands on duty frigate with Shou, the mighty ship people peace of mind a lot.nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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After Zheng He Reefs from the voyage of the Nansha Islands to China and Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, China control the Taiping Island in the northwest of this group of reefs. Post reporters where the ship to only about 1 nautical mile from the Pacific Island near, after all, the Chinese people, the island has not responded to our boat, reporters from the camera lens to see on the island lookout tower on duty quietly observed with our boat.nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In the cruise, the reporter observed the movement of the Vietnam reef are clearly unified design, have to continue to build on the reef construction. Cao Shu lush more occupied islands, Vietnam to build more with thoughts. "How a good place to have been invaded and occupied other countries," This is a reporter during cruise, the most heard lamenting. Reefs garrison, told reporters that the living conditions of these years on the reef have a small improvement can call mobile phones, Internet, TV channels, the acquisition of desalination equipment, some fitted with solar photovoltaic panels or wind power generation equipment, but our reef building built in the 1990s and did not change much, while Vietnam and other countries accounted for the reefs each year and a. Allegedly, Vietnam and other countries is the counterpart support policy, a province is responsible for supporting the construction of a reefs.nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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"Every one Chinese fishing boat is the side of the five-star red flag"nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In the South China Sea, the Chinese fishermen who break the Philippines more actual control of the waters of Nansha make a significant contribution. It is said that every one Chinese fishing boats in the Nansha side of five-star red flag. "49-year-old Yi Ping to the South China Sea fishing has been nearly 30 years, and now he" Qiong Qionghai 03889 ", owner and chief captain. After the Spring Festival this year, he has been the third time with the boat to the sea: "Huangyan Island, rituals, music beach, I have been to!" The family business from generation to generation in the Central, East and West, the Nansha Islands "to do the sea" living the Hainan fishermen the Qionghai Tan door town, the last 15 years is quite ring true, he said, the main reason is that neighboring countries of violence suffered at sea, with heavy losses.nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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The end of 1997 to 1998, Yi-Ping was arrested, the ship detained squatting five months prison in the Philippines in Manila. At that time, he drove his first fishing boats operating in waters near Huangyan Island, but it was the seizure of the Philippines warships. Yi-Ping remember very clearly, in Manila, the Philippines come up with an English paper for his signature, saying that as long as the signature, we can immediately put him back. "I do not understand what is written above, but the heart is likely to territorial waters, and sovereignty, and so resolutely refused to sign." Yi-Ping recalled this period of time immediately eyes flashing out a hard gas. Yi said generation Tan Mun Fishermen, many people insisted that he is fishing in the Chinese waters, and sternly refused to sign the documents that recognize the illegal cross-border fishing results sat 10 years in prison in a foreign prison.nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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In fact, the South China Sea fishermen for generations, sea farming, animal husbandry and fishery waters are now subjected to more and more a real threat. Many of them say, to the safe operation of the waters and reefs have fewer and fewer. Yi-Ping said with emotion, China is determined not to open the first shot, but grab our reefs in the South China Sea do not know how much times the first shot!nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Huangyan Island to see the Philippines to play tricksnrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Detonated the moment the focus of the South China Sea, the Huangyan Island, the reefs of the Dongsha Islands. As early as 1279, China the astronomers GuoShouJing once in the establishment of measurement points. Arrived in the waters of the Huangyan Island, the "Global Times" reporter looked from where the ship, the sea around the island from light blue to malachite green and then Dai Qing, the number of fishing boats drift on the malachite green and light blue water. Although the name "Island," Huangyan Island is actually an atoll surrounded into the lagoon. Lagoon shallow, looks light blue, which is full of the reef, the larger point of the ship sailing on the inside are very difficult.nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The sea outside the lagoon, two ocean surveillance ship and two fishery boat parking floating guard at the lagoon entrance. Not far from a Philippine Coast Guard patrol boats, and saw someone hiding in driving the building secretly peep. One insisted more than 20 days, the sailor, pointing to a boat inside the lagoon, it is the Philippine aquatic resources survey ship entered the lagoon, took the opportunity to rely on small tonnage. China's official boat because the big, can not enter the lagoon reefs clouds, Fortunately, China has sent an official boat, but also to enter the lagoon on duty. In Philippine ship most of the time is just a silent stalemate, but the Philippines from time to time Shuadian trick. Reporters saw two Filipino fishing boat trying to break into the lagoon, three public boat immediately lined up layer by layer to block the formation shattered its plot.nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
nrxRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
June, the South China Sea is about to usher in the typhoon season, the air ducts in the typhoon Huangyan Island will soon be the wind and waves crazy. At that time, all boats will undoubtedly be withdrawn. But the wind had then further Huangyan Island to the Philippine ship only about 100 nautical miles voyage, and we ship more than 500 sea miles to go. In the process of occupation of the Nansha Islands, the Philippines has to make the boat ride beach of tricks, a large landing ship scrapped deliberately run aground to Renai reef reefs as a base. Similar tricks the Philippines many years ago trying to use the Huangyan Island, but China's firm attitude and approach to force the Philippine side to abandon the action. Some analysts said that the Philippines now trick the possibility increases. Onboard some of China's maritime law enforcement officials said that the need to make early arrangements for fast Shi countermeasures, otherwise the Chinese vessels in the future Huangyan reefs disk will be very difficult. A South China Sea fishermen worried, told reporters that if this time can not stop in the Huangyan Island, the Philippines, then later in some countries of the South China Sea around will be intensified even more furious.
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